WELCOME TO THE 13th FPB SQUADRON In the framework of the combined exercise « oasis 2017 » between italian and tunisian navies; we would like to express our great honor to conduct such exercise with you; and you are welcome in tunisia. First I will present you the Schedule of events
DATE 09 OCTDATE SRL OCS EVENT PARTICIPANTS LOCATION / REMARKS FROM TO TIME(LT) EVENT PARTICIPANTS LOCATION / REMARKS FROM TO 09010 // 0500 0530 ITN Ship Arrival ITN Ship Bizerte Harbour/pending Courtesy opening of Bizerte Bridge Confirmation 09020 TUN 0900 1100 Official calls / activities OTCs, COs TBD 09030 1430 1700 Force integration meetings/Syndicate meetings / Diving safety procedure definition & Diving teams familiarization/ Fast Rope procedure meetings (TBC) OTCs, COs, XOs, Chiefs Engineering, Yeomen, Boarding Teams, divers supervisor Bizerte Naval Base/transportation by TUN 09040 Workshop & Comms Exercise Comms teams Equipments setup and configuration and hard copy exchange (TBC)
Diving safety procedure definition & Diving teams familiarization 10 OCT 22010 TUN 0900 1100 Syndicate meetings As appropriated Bizerte Naval Base 10020 1630 Training Diving teams Diving safety procedure definition & Diving teams familiarization EOD teams Bizerte Naval Base/Lunch by TUN 10030 1200 Pre-sail conference OTCs, COs, PWOs, XOs 10040 1430 1600 Comm check All Ships 100050 Pre Boarding Exercise Rehearsal the pre-boarding exercise Boarding Teams 10060 1530 Damage Control Exercise All ships on board ITS /Training to 12 TUN fire fighting operators
11030 11 OCT 11010 TUN 0400 0500 TUN Departure Bizerte Naval Base 0600 0700 Comm Check All ships During transit of Fpb to Gulf of Tunis 11020 ITA 0800 0900 ITA Departure La Goulette Port 11030 1600 Diving Exercices NSP ZARZIS Bizerte Bay 11040 ITN 1300 Manoeuvring exercise / Navcomex Transit towards Firing Area 11050 1500 GUNNEX Firing Area 11600 1800 RMMP compilation WinchEX REHERSAL FOR MLE/NON Compliant Boarding AOO 11070 1900 Anchoring Gulf of Tunis 11080 2000 AASYWEX 11090 2100 Damage Control Exercise At anchor/Details to be precised during PSC 11100 2200 12 Night steam Package PUBEX Flashing light exercise At anchor
Hot Wash Up / POSTEX conference OTCs, COs, PWOs, XOs 12 OCT 12010 TUN 0600 0700 TG leaves anchorage All ships 12020 0800 1100 Diving exercice EOD teams On board NSP ZARZIS 12030 ITN 1000 SAREX SAR Area 12040 VIP Arrival Gulf of Tunis 12050 1430 MLE/Boarding exercise IT/TUN security team via “Fast Rope” /TUN fast reaction team via Rhib. 12060 1500 NSP Zarzis AOO 12070 1600 Hot debrief On board ITN Frem 13 OCT 13010 TUN 1000 1200 Hot Wash Up / POSTEX conference OTCs, COs, PWOs, XOs La Goulette Naval Base 13030 // Force dispersal
Transit towards Gulf of Tunis Flashing light exercise DATE SRL OCS TIME EVENT PARTICIPANTS LOCATION / REMARKS FROM TO 09OCT THE SAME same 11 OCT 11010 TUN 0400 0500 TG Departure All ships Bizerte Naval Base 11020 ITN 0530 0900 Manoeuvring exercise / Navcomex Transit towards Gulf of Tunis 11030 12/1500 Ship anchorage Gulf of Tunis 11040 1600 EOD Diving exercises EOD teams Pending on weather condition in Bizerte Naval Base/ITN EOD Team will be hosted over night in Bizerte Naval Base 11050 1000 1400 RMMP compilation At anchor 11060 1500 Compliant Boarding 11070 1800 AASYWEX / Damage Control Exercise 11080 2200 12 Night steam Package PUBEX Flashing light exercise
Pending on weather condition in Bizerte Naval Base 12 OCT 12010 TUN 0900 1600 EOD Diving exercises EOD teams Pending on weather condition in Bizerte Naval Base 12020 1100 Damage Control Exercise All ships O/B TUN ship At anchor 12030 1800 2200 ENDEX &Transit towards Bizerte harbour Pending on weather condition