The Sieve and the Sand Analyzing the Novel
Foreshadowing Authors use foreshadowing to hint at future events in a novel. The external conflict of man vs. machine heightens between Montag and the Mechanical Hound in Part Two, and the eventual violent meeting and hunt is foreshadowed. As you complete this activity, make predictions about the Hounds programming and programmer and the resolution of the final clash.
Directions: Quote three passges that foreshadow the eventual struggle between Montag and the Mechanical Hound. “Outside the front door, in the rain, a faint scratching. Montag froze. He saw Mildred thrust herself back to the wall and gasp.” 2. 3. 4.
Answer the following questions. Who do you think programs the Hound and sends him out to investigate Montag? Why? What effect does the Hound have on the plot of the novel?
Rhetorical Questions Shortly after Montag endures Beatty’s lecture in Part One, Montag voices his opinion on the importance of reading. When Mildred has enough of Montag’s foolish and “antisocial” behavior, she cries, “Why should I read? What for?” Montag’s response is emotional, highly-charged, and critical. His speech is as much for himself as it is for Millie.
A second look at his speech reveals how Montag is changing A second look at his speech reveals how Montag is changing. In his response to Millie, Montag asks many questions, one after the other, without pausing or giving Millie an opportunity to answer. These rhetorical questions are asked not to obtain answers, but to make statements.
This activity gives you a chance to look at Montag’s persuasive language and his support of reading. You also see his opposition to the current state of the world (status quo.)
Directions: Record three rhetorical questions asked by Montag Directions: Record three rhetorical questions asked by Montag. Explain the statement Montag makes by posing each question.
Theme As Montag boards the subway, he describes a “numbness” that has crept over him. He wishes to return to his old self. As the scene progresses, he is disturbed by a radio jingle. Consider the reactions Montag and the other passengers have to the jingle. What central message (theme) is communicated throught the contrast of Montag to the other passengers?
What is Montag’s numbness? How does the analogy of the sieve and the sand relate to this scene? How are the passengers on the subway characterized? Use evidence to support your answer. How are Montag’s actions contrasted to those of the passengers?
5. Whose behavior is considered antisocial according to the Fahrenheit society? Why? 6. Whose behavior is considered antisocial according to your ideals? Why? 7. What is Ray Bradbury’s message about the dangers of a society that does not think?
Example: “Is it because we’re having so much fun at home that we’ve forgotten the world? No one is interested in or shows concern about the war because they are too busy taking part in superficial activities created by the gov’t to keep people tittillated and happy.