Carl the Complainer
T.E.K.S Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills 2.9 Understand, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. 2.5.D.2 Use a dictionary or glossary to find words. 2.4.A.2 Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with comprehension. Objectives T.E.K.S Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills
Annoy to make someone angry
Complain to say that something is not good enough
Mumbles speaks unclearly
P.M. The time between noon and midnight. P.M. stands for Post Meridiem which is latin for after midday.
Shrugs Raising your shoulders as an expression of doubt.
Signature A person’s name written by that person.
Realistic Fiction GENRE Tells about made up events that could happen in real life. In this story you will read about a boy helping his community, Realistic Fiction GENRE
How can we be responsible community members?
What is a jingle?
What detail helps you figure out that Carl isn’t bothered by his nickname, Carl the Complainer?
Would you call Dale a complainer like Carl? Support your conclusion.
Cause and Effect Skills What did Dale hope would be the effect of lots of kids signing the “Power Friends” petition? Cause and Effect Skills p. 234-235
What does the author mean when she says Dale shrugs? p. 234-235
Think about some situations or problems you would like to see changed? Which step in the petition process do you think is most difficult? Think about some situations or problems you would like to see changed? What problem would you start a petition for? How could you use the Petition Pointers to help you? p. 234-235
What does Laura mean when she says that she’ll help collect signatures?
Compare the boys’ petition to the list of Perfect Petition Pointers Compare the boys’ petition to the list of Perfect Petition Pointers. In your opinion, did the boyds do a good job following these pointers in drafting their petition.
What picture comes to your mind when you read that most people in the supermarket are too busy to even listen to what the boys have to say? p. 238-239
What is the purpose behind each part of the children’s plan to convince people in the park to sign their petition? p. 238-239
What argurment does Carl use to try to persuade Mr What argurment does Carl use to try to persuade Mr. Henry that he should sign the child’s petition? What do you think of Carl’s reasoning? The word even has many meanings. How would you use the dictionary to help you figure out the meaning? What words does the author use to show that Mr. Henry is easily annoyed?
Why does Mr. Henry need quiet? p. p. 242-243
How many people does Mr. Henry get to sign the petition How many people does Mr. Henry get to sign the petition? Explain how you know.
As you read, from pictures of what it would be like to speak to a crowd of people at a city council meeting. What pictures do you see in your mind? What would you see, hear, and feel as you got up to speak? p. 242-243
Sometimes a cause is not stated Sometimes a cause is not stated. What do you think is the real reason why the man with the mustache is concerned about kids playing in the park after 5.
Why do you think Mr. Henry attended the city council meeting? How do you think seeing him in the audience made Carl feel?
The city council in Carl’s town listened to and considered many requests from citizens. What would you request from your city council?
What pictures formed in your mind when you read that the city council members voted to approve the petition.? What details in the text and experiences in your own life helped you form these pictures?
What plan would you come up with to help a friend stop complaining all the time.
Carl the Complainer Read Aloud