Team Science Experiment Inorganic And Organic Soybeans Le’Nora Je’Qwan Katlyn Alexis March 22,2016
Scientific Question Will organic or inorganic fertilizer help plants grow more rapidly?
Hypothesis We hypothesized that soybean supplied with organic fertilizers would grow more rapidly than inorganic fertilizers.
Materials Soybean Seeds Organic fertilizers Inorganic fertilizer Water Scissors 6 empty soda bottles Gloves Paper towels 2 graduated cylinders Ruler
Procedures Soak your Soybean in water for 9 to 12 hours. Dry off the Soybeans. Cut 3 soda bottles in half. Measure 120 mL of Inorganic soil 3 times and pour it into each bottle. Get 3 Soybeans and put them into the inorganic soil. Put all the bottles to the side. Cut 3 more soda bottles in half. Measure 120 mL of Organic soil 3 times and pour it into each bottle. Get 3 soy beans and put them into the Organic soil. Measure 25 mL of water and pour it into all 6 bottles. Sit all 6 bottles in the water to get some sunlight.
Data - Inorganic Days Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average (cm) 1 2 3 4 0.5 2 3 4 0.5 0.16 5 6
Data -Organic Days Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average (cm) 1 2 0.33 3 2 0.33 3 0.66 4 5 6 8 3.3
Results The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether inorganic would make the plant grow more rapidly than organic soil. The results of the experiment were organic soil worked better than the inorganic soil. 2 pots of the plant in organic soil grew more rapidly than the inorganic potting soil, which didn’t grow/germinate much at all. Trial #2 & #3 for organic soil grew more than the other trials.
Conclusion Our hypothesis stated that Soybean supplied with organic fertilizer will grow more rapidly than inorganic fertilizers. The results of the experiment showed us that our hypothesis was correct because during experiment trial the organic fertilized germinated more seeds than the other trial throughout the whole week.
Future questions During the experiment all of the trials did not go how we wanted them to, We wondered what if we changed the type of seed ? Would all of the trials germinate equally with the same amount of water, sunlight and soil would that make the plants grow more or the same?
References Leap of Faith Financial Services Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from
Pictures Day 1 Day 2 Day 3