INTRODUCTION of project Derived from three words “Ecological” “Farm” and “Market” Focused on SDGs 2, 6, 8 and 12 Makes use of Ecological Sanitation Toilet , speciifically Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) Very Enviornment friendly and promotes sustainability A good example and approach to ahcieve the global goals for Sustainable Development
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT To make use of Ecological Sanitation or popularly known as ECOSAN toilet for urine and feces separation Late use this urine and feces as organic fertilizer Why?: In order to promote the practice of sustainability through organic farming Promote ecomonic growth through organic practices To make community people’s livelihood a better one Mainly, to succeed as an exemplary social enterprise/ social venture
ABOUT THE ECOSAN TOILET Makes use of Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) Urine gets collected in the drum through one pipeline Anal pore waste gets collected in Sofit/ Wetland The human feces gets collected under the chamber The Urine can be used within few days after being stored by mixing with water The feces needs to undergo anaerobic digestion and can be used after 6 months.
ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS Less use of water Environment friendly Promotes organic farming Promotes sutainability Flush and Forget problem Needs saw dust and Ashes Storage can be a problem Very Technical
MECHANISM INVOLVED Makes use of Urine Diverting dry Toilet as given in the first picture The Urine gets collected in the drum, where as the feces gets collected in the below chamber When the urine gets completely filled in the 100 liters drum, it is stored for few days and then can be used in the agricultiural crops 1 liter of urine should be mixed with 2-3 liters water and then sprayed to the crops The feces accumulated inside the containers turns into highly rich nutrient containing organic fertilizer, which can be used in the agricultural field. The cycle shown here explains the mechanism
PROGRESS TILL NOW 4 Toilets completely built till now 1 through donation from Hanyang University students and other from APSVIC support from LINC foundation Takes an average of 10 to 12 days to build a toilet One build at Thapathali slum through the efforts of Hanyang University students on February 14 , which completed totally on 24th of Feb, 2017. The rest three are constructed in Siddhupur, Lalitpur, which started from late March and got completed around April 2nd week.
CHALLENGES till now People’s changing attitude, demands and improper behaviors Lack of sufficient labors and masons Lack of digitalization Too many materials and movement People’s changing opinion Youths commitments Nature of Project: Progress doesn’t occure instantly Public Sensitivity
WAY FORWARD Families will use their urine in their agricultural lands after drum is filled 6 toilets yet to be constructed The construction of 3 toilets will take place at Lubhu and the rest 3 at Harishiddhi New technology will be adopted Chamber for accumulation of feces will be replaced with a portable rubber drawer for varios reasons The community people will start selling the vegetables like spinach after 1 month of cultivation and cowliflower in 6 months and garlic and onion after 2 months
ATTRACTIONS AT BOOTH Eco Farmket Project brief and Success Stories Handsout Ecosan Model SDGs Placards (Support your favorite SDGs with a selfie !) Slogans supporting the project Videos Presentation Feedback box
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