Chapter 14 Assembling, Administering, and Appraising classroom tests and assessments
Recording the test items Each individual test item should be recorded separately and contain information regarding the instructional objective, specific learning outcome, and the content measured by each item.
Reviewing Test Items and Assessment Tasks Is the format appropriate for the learning outcome being measured? Does the knowledge, understanding, or thinking skill called forth by the item or task match the specific learning outcome and subject-matter content being measured? Is the point of the item or task clear? Is the item or task free from excess verbiage?
Reviewing Test Items and Assessment Tasks 5. Does the item have an answer that would be agreed on by experts? How well would experts agree about the degree of excellence of task performance? 6. Is the item or task free from technical errors and irrelevant cues? 7. Is the item or task free from racial, ethnic, and sexual bias?
Arranging Items in the Test True-false or alternative-response items Matching items Short-answer items Multiple- choice items Interpretive exercises
Preparing Directions for the Test or Assessment Purpose of the test or assessment Time allowed for completing the test or performing the task Directions for responding How to record the answers What to do about guessing for selection-type test items The basis for scoring open-ended or extended responses
Item Analysis After the test has been scored, you should appraise the effectiveness of each item by means of item analysis. Did the item function as intended? Were the test items of appropriate difficulty? Were the test items free of irrelevant clues and other defects? Was each of the distracters effective (in multiple choice items)?