King of kings, Lord of lords Matthew 24:14 Amen, come Lord Jesus
The Spiritual Condition of the World Evangelicals – We are 10%! © HIZAR
Evangelical Christians: Trust only in the cross of Jesus Christ for their salvation, enjoy a personal relationship with God through Jesus, exhibit regeneration through the Holy Spirit, recognize the Bible as the inspired word of God, the only basis for faith and practice, and are committed to biblical preaching, evan- gelism, and service.
The Spiritual Condition of the World © HIZAR Nominal Christians
Nominal Christians: These are people who have the name of Jesus Christ in their religion, but do not exhibit the characteristics mentioned above.
The Spiritual Condition of the World Non-Christians living in reached ethnic groups © HIZAR
Non-Christians Living in Unreached Ethnic Groups These are people of some non-Christian religion like Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, or animists, but who live in ethnic groups that already have a viable church.
A Riddle © A riddle: I drove through a village in the mountains of the state of Puebla. Everyone in the village spoke Spanish fluently, but there is no church in that town. Are these people part of a reached ethnic group, or an unreached ethnic group? Answer: ? ©
A Riddle © A riddle: I drove through a village in the mountains of the state of Puebla. Everyone in the village spoke Spanish fluently, but there is no church in that town. Are these people part of a reached ethnic group, or an unreached ethnic group? Answer: Reached, because they speak Spanish and therefore, in Mexico, they have access to the gospel. ©
Very Important! In missions, the words reached and unreached refer to ethnic groups, not to individuals!
The Spiritual Condition of the World Cultural and Linguistic Barriers Evangelical Christians Nominal Christians and Non-Christians with Access to the Gospel Non-Christians without Access to the Gospel © HIZAR
Non-Christians Living in Unreached Ethnic Groups These are people of a non-Christian religion who live in ethnic groups that do not have a viable church. They make up 30% of the world’s population. They live in the 7,000 unreached ethnic groups. They have no access to the gospel.
Language Race Religion Caste ism History Geography Evangel Culture Cross-Cultural Missions © DIDEM HIZAR
© HIZAR In the World In Mexico Evangelical Christians 7% Evangelical Christians 10% Nominal Christians 20% Nominal Christians 87% © HIZAR Non-Christians living in Reached Ethnic Groups WITH Access to the Gospel 40% Non-Christians living in Reached Ethnic Groups WITH Access to the Gospel 4% Non-Christians living in Unreached Ethnic Groups WITHOUT Access to the Gospel 2% Non-Christians living in Unreached Ethnic Groups WITHOUT Access to the Gospel 30%
A Study of the 7,000 Unreached Ethnic Groups There is 10% of the world’s population to evangelize the unreached 30%. In other words, there is one Christian for every 3 people living in unreached ethnic groups. We could finish the Great Commission in a couple of hours! Unfortunately, it is not that easy…
The unreached ethnic groups are very far from here! © Maksym Yemelyanov
They practice different religions. Hindus The Principal Religions of the Unreached Ethnic Groups Tribals Chinese Buddhists Muslims Others
The Major Religious Blocks of the 10/40 Window Countries with a majority of … Hindus Muslims Budists Data © Gabalis
They have different cultures. Collage by Jill Suzanne Hatcher
The Languages of the World “ ” John 3:16 In 3000 languages of the world! They speak different languages.
Spoken languages according to Wycliffe – 6,918 Languages with at least a portion of the Bible translated – 2,932 Whole Bible – 554 Only the New Testament – 1,333 At least one book – 1,045 Translation projects in progress – 2,267 Languages with a clear need for a translation project – 1,800
The Resources for finishing the Great Commission Only 7% of the Missionaries Work among the Unreached Ethnic Groups. The Resources for finishing the Great Commission © photography33/Milan Vasicek
How the Evangelical Church Invests Its Offerings © Aaron Amat/ Joe Belanger/ Vladimir Wangel 4.5% is spent for missions among the reached ethnic groups. Only 0.5% is spent for missions among the unreached ethnic groups.
Christian Congregations for each Unreached Ethnic Group to The Number of Christian Congregations for each Unreached Ethnic Group to to to to to to to Year © Olya
A Dramatization of the Statistics Let us imagine that each sheet of paper in this package is a profile of an unreached ethnic group. How many ethnic groups are represented by this package of paper?
How many times do I have to flip these pages to see all 7,000 profiles?
14 times!
Your church does not have to reach all 7,000 ethnic groups… But it does have to help reach… one!
Can your church cooperate with 1,000 other churches to reach one etnic group?