Career Unit
Heavy-Duty Equipments Mechanic
Fast Look Can repair and maintain heavy-duty equipment. Equipment used for transportation and such. Employed to maintain and operate equipment. Comfortable with delicate and heavy equipment. Minimum education : secondary school and training. Attentive , mechanical ability and problem- solving needed.
Duties Diagnose equipment for malfunctions with tests. Adjust , repair or replace defective equipment. Test adjusted equipment for proper performance. Clean and lubricate equipment for maintenance. May repair things on heavy trucks. May attach other attachments to equipment.
Work Conditions and Qualifications Work regular work weeks with overtime. May work outdoors or in a factory. Completion of secondary school is required. Certification is not mandatory but helps. Certification includes a four year apprenticeship program. R.S. gives work in any province.
Current Workforce Large occupational group that work full- time. Full-time salary for a year is $64,637.00 Sixty-nine percent work full-time in B.C. A lot are currently employed in B.C. High employment because of forestry/mining. Least employed are in Lower Mainland.
Employment Prospects and Career Paths 9,850 , currently employed in Lower Mainland. Job openings in future from retirement. Employment will go over average. Demand for equipment wanted by companies. Technologic advances make equipment more efficient. New technology will reduce greenhouse gases.
Related Occupations & Resources Contractors and supervisors in mechanic trade. Millwrights and industrial mechanics , except textiles. Automotive service technicians needed for vehicles. Resource : Canadian Association of equipment distributors. Second occupation resource is Transport Canada. Truck , bus and machine mechanic repair.
Marine Biologist
Fast Look Occupational group includes aquaculture support workers. Hired by fish hatcheries or farms. Marine plant gatherers and catch shellfishes. Workers may be self-employed by choice. Education may be some secondary schools. You do aqua labours in water.
Duties Dig and clean shellfishes for markets. Supervise certain technicians in fish hatcheries. Feed the aquaculture in the farms. Rake seaweed and moss from beaches. Keep daily records of water flow. Feed aquaculture stocks and vaccinate them.
Working Conditions and Qualifications Work in office, hospital or school. An outside environment with different weather. Exposed to various bacteria and viruses. In presence of bad smelling odors. In contact with water or liquids. Might go to Post-secondary for certification.
Current Workforce About 455 current employed marine biologists. Full-time Yearly salary is about $ 32,257.00. 20% are working full-time marine biologists. 18% women working full-time as labourers. The amount employed is below average. The yearly salary is below average.
Employment Prospects and Career Paths Lower Mainland has the most employment. There will be 2,805 job opportunities. 30 jobs from retirement by 2015. 10 jobs from projects by 2015 There are 310 employed in 2010. There will be limited opportunities.
Related Occupations and Resources Fishing Vessel and skipper are related. Fishermen and fisherwomen are also related. Aquaculture managers is another job opportunity. Aquaculture operators are also another opportunity. Fishing vessel deckhands are also related. There are no resources on page.