M. Jack Rudnick Director, NYS Science & Technology Law Center
Molly Zimmermann Associate Director, NYS Science & Technology Law Center
NYS Science & Technology Law Center Syracuse University College of Law Tech Commercialization Law Program Research on Intellectual Property, regulations, markets and competitors and other legal issues relevant to the successful commercialization of a new technology. Education on legal issues relating to technology commercialization, outreach to NYS to create access to information on issues. Research, education and outreach to CATs, CARTs, RTDCs, COEs, incubators, accelerators, startups, established companies and capital groups.
WEBSITE, WEBCASTS, GUIDEBOOKS, VIDEOS, NEWSLETTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=WDPjey85xJ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cu-MBIYf_c http://nysstlc.syr.edu/guidebooks/ WEBSITE, WEBCASTS, GUIDEBOOKS, VIDEOS, NEWSLETTER