Sampling Distributions
How to Pick a Random Sample Exercise 2 How to Pick a Random Sample 54580 81507 27102 54537 55894 33006 042 We want to generate a random sample of 12 Algebra 2 students from a total of 81 students in Maneesha’s classes. Number all students from 01 to 81. Start from any leftmost row of a random number table. Leave out any 2 digit number beyond 81. Skip a duplicate number. Choose 12 random numbers. For example 1st four random numbers from above row would be 54, 58, 08 and 15. Now discuss with your group how you would use the above row of random numbers to select a sample of 60 (find first four) from 625 employees).
Generating Random Numbers on Your Calculator (1, 81)
Work as a group to complete the following: Exercise 4 Work as a group to complete the following: Person 1: Chooses and states the Statistical Question of interest pertaining to the population. Person 2: Identifies a population characteristic and a sample characteristic based on a sample of 40 students. Person 3: States what property your sample must have in order for you to generalize the results to the whole school. Person 4: Include details on how you would select the sample. I will call on a group randomly to resent the process for their chosen question.
Margin of Error +/- 5.6%
Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion POPULATION of High School Students in Sports Random Samples n=30 n=30 n=30 40% of students participating in sports are female p =0.40 Mean of Sample Proportion = 0.4