Language Arts – Grammar 7th Grade Language Arts – Grammar CCS 7 L 3(Language) Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.
It’s time for Unit 5 Pronouns and . . . Grammar Rock!!
Writing with Pronouns, Nouns: Person, Place, Thing, Emotion Pronouns: Take the Place of Noun
Pronouns and Antecedents must agree in three ways. Antecedents are the words the pronoun is referring to. Pronouns and Antecedents must agree in three ways. 1. Person refers to the quality of being. 2. Number is the quality that distinguishes between singular and plural. 3. Gender is the quality that distinguishes the entities as masculine or feminine.
Identify Antecedent and Select Correct Pronoun Example: Natalie saw Katie and spoke to her. (Katie is the antecedent. Her is the pronoun.) 1. The teachers went on strike to get a raise in its / their wages. 2. Jen and Ben went to his / her / their / its first prom last weekend. 3. The black lab jumped into the pool and his / her / its claws scratched the lining.
TO DO Class Work: Page 59 and 60 3 Practice and apply 1-10 and Challenge Page 591 3 Pronouns 1-10 HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY Workbook pages 46 and 47
Possessive Pronouns- Show Ownership (See Chart)
Possessive Pronouns The person in the blue car is (my, mine, I, me) mother. (My, Mine, I, Me) am ashamed of myself for being so rude to her. He is not a good friend, but he is an acquaintance of (my, mine). My parents will not allow (my, mine, I, me) to spend the night with Pam. (My, Mine, I, Me) brother sits on a stool when he plays the piano.
Possessive Pronouns Class Work: Page 67, #’s 1-10 Page 593 (4) Homework: Due Wednesday Page 55-57