The Settlement of the Chesapeake (Jamestown) 1607
Jamestown Settlement Dropping Anchor
Chesapeake Bay The Virginia Company of London (group of merchants) received a charter from King James
Jamestown Settlement
Jamestown Chapel, 1611
"He who does not work, will not eat." “Looking for Gold” "He who does not work, will not eat." Many of the new settlers Were intent on finding gold.
Jamestown Fort, 1607 Problems: *Swampy land *mosquitoes *bad drinking water.
Jamestown Settlement (Computer Generated)
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Early Chesapeake Settlements
Captain John Smith
Native American Population in North America
English Migration: 1610-1660 Headright System
Jamestown Colonization Pattern: 1620-1660
“Starving Time” During the winter of 1609-1610 Only 60 settlers survived The colony was saved by John Rolfe and Tobacco seeds from Trinidad.
John Rolfe
Tobacco Plant Green Gold The Golden Weed
Early Colonial Tobacco 1618 — Virginia produces 20,000 pounds of tobacco. 1622 — Despite losing nearly one-third of its colonists in an Indian attack, Virginia produces 60,000 pounds of tobacco. 1627 — Virginia produces 500,000 pounds of tobacco. 1629 — Virginia produces 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco.
Tobacco Prices: 1618-1710
Indentured Servitude
Chief Powhatan
Pocahontas 1. Pocahontas helps John Smith by giving the English corn And other crops to grow. Pocahontas also helped John Smith when he is captured By the Powhatan Indians. Capt. Smith was later released Chief Powhatan.
Powhatan Indian Village
Indian Foods
House of Burgesses 1619 Set up a Representative Gov’t that followed the Magna Carta It the stated the “rights of the people” and that “the king could not be dictator.”
1622 Indian Uprisings
Population of Chesapeake Colonies: 1610-1750
George Calvert, Lord Baltimore
Colonization of Maryland