5.3 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

5.3 Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

I. City Conditions urbanization- movement of people to cities The industrial middle class- entrepreneurs made this new bourgeoisie Merchants Inventors Artisans Rags to Riches- rising from poor to middle class or rich

Industrial Landscape

I. City Conditions cont. Industrial working class- lived in slums, usually in tiny rooms in “tenements” Tenements- multi-story buildings divided into apartments, no water or sewage Labor Unions-worker organizations were illegal Workers formed secret groups and rioted Workers also found comfort in Methodism a movement started by John Wesley Stressed a personal sense of faith

II. Life in the Factories and Mines Factory workers 12-16 hour days Hard labor Accidents common (lose a finger) Most were women at first

II. Life in the Factories and Mines cont. Miners have worse conditions Work in darkness Dangers of explosives and heavy equipment Children have dangerous jobs Started 7 or 8 some as young as 5 Bad conditions Factory Acts- reduced work day to 12 hours Remove children under the age of 8

III. Not All Bad In time reforms were passed Labor Unions won the right to bargain Working class men get right to vote Wages would rise
