Learning Outcomes Identify common safety improvement myths. Explain the reality to each myth. Provide factual information to counter common road safety myths. Identify and locate appropriate safety information, resources, and/or tools.
Myth vs. Reality 1. What myths about road safety have you encountered within your community? How can you overcome these myths to improve road safety within your community?
Myth: Reality: Myth vs. Reality Safety costs a lot Can do a lot for little to no cost
Example 3-5
Example 3-6
Myth: Reality: Myth vs. Reality I can’t do safety because first I have to repave (or replace my signs) Reality: Safety can be incorporated into all activities
Consider Is blanket replacement of signs the best use of funds or are there high-crash locations without signs that would benefit from sign installation? Is safety one of the criteria for determining when roads/streets need to be repaved? How will higher travel speeds brought about by resurfacing affect safety for motorists and pedestrians?
Myth: Reality: Myth vs. Reality Crashes are the driver’s fault and there’s nothing I can do about it. Reality: Crashes have multiple causes (driver, roadway and vehicle)
Crash Causes Roadway Driver 93% 34% 27% 57% 3% 6% 2% Vehicle 12% 1%
Accommodate Drivers Drivers need certain information to make decisions. They need time to receive and process that information and arrive at those decisions. They sometimes make incorrect decisions. Road system should accommodate drivers, not the other way around.
Wider roads and intersections could have unintended consequences Myth vs. Reality Myth: Wider is always safer Reality: Wider roads and intersections could have unintended consequences
Example 3-13
Example 3-14
Crash reports are used in making roads safer. Myth vs. Reality Myth: Crash reports are completed by police officers only for insurance companies. Reality: Crash reports are used in making roads safer.
Install Traffic Signal Example Before STOP Controlled After Alternative 1: Install Traffic Signal After Alternative 2: Roundabout
Myth: Reality: Myth vs. Reality Unpaved roads have the same safety issues as paved roads Reality: Unpaved roads have unique maintenance and safety issues
Poor drainage and surface condition Example Poor drainage and surface condition Good drainage and surface condition which result in less roadway departures
How have you overcome those myths to improve road safety? What are other myths about road safety have you encountered at work or your community? How have you overcome those myths to improve road safety?
Resources http://ruralsafetycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Local-Roads-NACE-ATSSA.pdf
Resources https://epd.wisc.edu/tic/publication/safer-manual/
Resources http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/fhwasa09025/fhwasa09025.pdf http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/fhwasa07018/ http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/local_rural/training/fhwasa09024/
Resources https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/construction/pubs/ots15002.pdf
REVIEW Identify some of the things that road agencies do that dispel the myth that safety costs a lot. Routine maintenance Doing the job right
REVIEW Drivers are one factor in road crashes. What are the other two factors? Road conditions Vehicle
REVIEW Insurance companies are the only people who use police crash reports. True or False False. Crash reports can be used to help identify safety issues and solutions.
Summary Identify common safety improvement myths. Explain the reality to each myth. Provide factual information to counter common road safety myths. Identify and locate appropriate safety information, resources, and/or tools.
Myth vs. Reality QUESTIONS?