Electric Current.


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Presentation transcript:

Electric Current

Recap:- conductors and insulators Why do metals conduct electricity and insulators do not? Conductors have ‘free’ electrons Insulators have NO ‘free’ electrons

Electric current Electricity in wires is a flow of electrons along the wire. What do we call this flow of electrons? Electrical current

Direct current Cells and batteries supply direct current, in which the current only flows in one direction. Alternating current Generators produce alternating current, in which the current constantly changes direction.

More accurate diagram to show flow of electrons in wire

Definition of electric current Electric current is the RATE of flow of charge What does mean? This means the amount of charge passing a point in 1 second in a circuit is the electric current. Remember electrons are negatively charged

Mathematical definition of electric current Note for higher paper you are expected to be able rearrange this equation
