Based on Alive-O 5: Term 2, Lesson 1 Abraham and Sarah – Loved by God Based on Alive-O 5: Term 2, Lesson 1 Refer to Teacher’s Book pp. 141-153
Part I: God and Abram Genesis 12:1-8 Abram married Sarai.
They went with Abram’s father to live in Haran.
One day the Lord spoke to Abram: I want you to leave your father and go to live in a place that I will show you.
The Lord made an agreement with Abram. This agreement or promise made between the Lord and Abram was called a covenant.
The Lord spoke to Abram: If you leave this land Abram, I will bless you. You will become the father of a great nation.
Abram did as the Lord told him. He left with his wife Sarai, trusting that God would guide them.
After some time, they came to the land of Canaan. The Lord was pleased with Abram. He had kept his part of the covenant. The Lord spoke: “Here Abram is the land of Canaan where you and your future family will live.”
Abram settled in the land of Canaan. “I will build an altar to the Lord to show my love and respect.”