Housing, Infrastructure, and Land Use Data


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Presentation transcript:

Housing, Infrastructure, and Land Use Data Prepared for the Northwest Hills Council of Governments By the Connecticut Economic Resource Center 2016 *FINAL*

Housing Units by Vacancy and Tenure The total number of housing units in the NHCOG region has increased by over 11% from 2000-2014, which is 3.8 percentage points more than housing increased statewide All towns in the region had an increase in housing during this time period In 2014, 83% of housing units in the region were occupied (versus vacant), lower than the state average of 91% Salisbury had the lowest occupancy rate (60.5%), while Burlington had the highest (95.5%) 14 towns had occupancy rates lower than the regional rate Renters represented 32.7% of occupied units in the state but only 23.6% of occupied units in the region Winchester (39.4%), Kent (35.6%), and Torrington (32.8%) had renter-occupation rates higher than the state, while Canaan (29.9%), Norfolk (27.4%), and Salisbury (26.8%) had rates between the state and the region Harwinton had the highest rate of owner-occupied properties in the region

Housing Units by Vacancy (2014) By State, Region, and Town Source: American Community Survey

Housing Units by Tenure (2014) By State, Region, and Town Source: American Community Survey

Households by Size The number of households in the region increased 5% from 2000-2014 9 towns had a smaller than 5% increase in households during this time, including four towns that saw a decrease (Kent, North Canaan, Norfolk, Salisbury) Single resident households represented 28% of households Single resident households were the largest proportion of town households in Sharon (36.6%) and the smallest proportion of town households in Hartland (13.1%)

Households by Size (2014) By Town Source: American Community Survey

New Housing Permits The total number of annual housing permits issued for the region decreased from 431 permits in 2000 to 111 permits in 2014, a 74% drop The decrease in number of permits began before the Great Recession and the housing crisis The largest one year drop in permits occurred from 2005-2006 All towns in the region had an overall decrease in permits from 2000-2014, ranging from a drop of 2 permits in 4 towns (Canaan, Cornwall, Norfolk, and Washington) to a decrease of 64 permits in Torrington The largest percentage decrease was in North Canaan, which did not have any permits issued in either 2013 or 2014

New Housing Permits (2014) By Region Source: CT DECD

Households That Spent More Than 30% of Income on Housing In 2014, 36.5% of the region’s households (in both owner- and renter-occupied units) spent more than 30% of income on housing costs This is a slight decrease from 2010, when 37.8% of households spent more than 30% of income on housing 39% of state residents spent more than 30% of their income on housing in 2014, consistent with 2010, while 35% of U.S. households spent more than 30% of their income on rent in 2014, an increase from 2010 Only in three towns did fewer that 33% of households spend more than 30% of income on housing (Barkhamsted, 29%; Harwinton, 27%, and Hartland, 23%) Kent and Washington had the highest percentage (44%) of households spending more than 30% of income on housing A larger share of renters paid more than 30% of their income on rent in the region in 2014 than owners did, similar to the pattern in the state and nation However, the difference was only 8.6 percentage points in the region compared to 16.3 and 20.9 percentage point differences in the state and nation, respectively

Households That Spent More Than 30% of Income on Housing (2014) By Town Source: American Community Survey

Change in Housing Costs Real monthly median housing costs have slightly decreased in the state, from $1,468 in 2009 to $1,410 in 2014, in inflation-adjusted dollars During this time, the variation in monthly median housing costs by town has decreased – the difference in cost between the town with the most and least expensive housing dropped from $1,420 in 2009 to $828 in 2014 15 towns had a decrease in monthly median housing costs during this period In 2014, Winchester had the least expensive average monthly housing costs ($1,087) and Burlington had the highest ($1,915)

Change in Housing Costs By Town Source: American Community Survey

Median Home Sales Price Median home sale price for single family homes decreased by $15,000 (-6%) in the state from 2009- 2013 Three towns (Colebrook, Morris, and Warren) had an increase in median single family home sales price New Hartford had an increase in median home sales price comparing 2009 to 2012 (and no homes reported sold in 2013) The biggest decrease in sales price was in Roxbury, which saw median price decrease by $347,000

Median Home Sales Price By Town Source: CT OPM

Developed and Undeveloped Land 8.1% of the region’s land was developed in 2006, an increase from 7.8% in 1995 The state’s developed land increased from 17.8% to 19.0% during that time Developed land represented more than 10% of total land in three towns: Burlington (11.3%), Winchester (11.9%), and Torrington (22.6%) Burlington and Torrington also had the greatest percentage point increase in developed land from 1995- 2006

Developed and Undeveloped Land By Town Source: UCONN CLEAR

Conserved Land Approximately 19% of region has been identified as conserved within towns’ Plans of Conservation and Development (POCD) or other planning documents

Conserved Land By Town Note: See Excel spreadsheet for definition of “conserved,” relevant years, and sources of data by town.

Aging Population Supports 27% of the region’s population aged 65 or older lives alone, similar to the share of the state population of this age group living alone (28.2%) Slightly more than half of the region’s and the state’s 65+ population lives with a spouse, while the remainder live with a parent, with other relatives, or with nonfamily Warren had the greatest percentage of 65+ living with spouses (78.6%), while Canaan had the smallest (47.8%) More than 50% of householders aged 65+ in 5 towns (Canaan, Colebrook, Kent, Roxbury, and Salisbury) had gross rent that was more than 35% of their income The most prevalent type of disability in the region is ambulatory difficulties, which are experienced by more than 35% of the region’s 65+ population and 41% of the state’s 65+ population

Living Arrangements for Population Over Age 65 (2014) By State, Region, and Town Source: American Community Survey

Number of Households with Gross Rent More Than 35% of Income (2014) By Town Source: American Community Survey

Population with a Disability (2014) By Town Source: American Community Survey

Single- versus Multi-Family Housing Most households in the region (78.4%) occupy single-family homes This is higher than the percentage of households in single-family homes in the state (64.6%) Only Torrington and Winchester have fewer than 75% of households in single-family homes

Single- versus Multi-Family Housing (2014) By State, Region, and Town Source: American Community Survey