Yeshi, Jayme and Madilyn Redemption Yeshi, Jayme and Madilyn
Redeem To redeem means to buy back, regain possession of, or exchange for money/goods. Or to deliver from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner.
Moses Strikes the rock at Kadesh The Israelites were in the desert of Zin and there was no more water. They complained to Moses and Aaron so Moses prayed to God. God told Moses to take his staff, and in front of all the people, speak to the rock, and water will come out. But Moses was angry with the people, and instead of speaking to the rock, he hit it with his staff twice causing water to come out. God got angry at Moses for disobeying him and told Moses that he wouldn’t go into the land of Canaan. Instead God took Moses to mount Nebo and showed him the land of Canaan, and then Moses died. Numbers 20
This shows that God is a just God and he doesn’t tolerate sin This shows that God is a just God and he doesn’t tolerate sin. He didn’t back out on his promise that Moses would never see the land of Canaan. It also shows that God is very powerful because he made water come out of a rock. In this case, God is a judge. He punished Moses for not listening to him.
The human characters in this story are Moses and the Israelites The human characters in this story are Moses and the Israelites. The Israelites complained and were not satisfied with what God gave them. Moses disobeyed God by hitting the rock instead of speaking to it
Just like us, Moses sinned against God and was punished Just like us, Moses sinned against God and was punished. God punished and will punish us for the sins we have/will commit. But even though we sin and disappoint God we will still be rewarded by going to heaven if we believe.