Changes to Indian Life and Hinduism


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Presentation transcript:

Changes to Indian Life and Hinduism Ch 7 L 2 page 228-231

Changes to Indian Life pg.228 How did life in India change with the migration of the Aryans? Aryan religion and language spread India developed a complex and blended culture

Caste System How was Aryan society organized? System of classes that became known as a caste Caste=social class whose members are identified by their job

The Caste System page 229 Knowledge is valued by Hindu society Sudra Brahmin Priests, scholars, teachers Ksatriya Rulers, nobles, warriors Vaisya Bankers, merchants, farmers Sudra Artisans, laborers Untouchables Lowest group who do the most humble jobs like being sweepers and dispose of the dead

Aryan Beliefs and Brahmanism How did the Aryan religion change? Early religion of Aryans= Brahmanism Worship nature deities (gods) Many rituals Started to question how the world came into being Changed to believe that one spirit controlled the universe

Mahabharata Indian ancient history Epic poem that retells legends Bhagavada Gita is part of the Mahabharata Sacred text

Hinduism How did the religion of Hinduism develop? Came from Brahmanism Major religion of India Worship many deities and recognize one supreme God or life force

Three Important Hindu gods Brahma, the creator Vishnu, the protector Shiva, the destroyer

Many Lives What is reincarnation? Reincarnation= belief that each person has many lives Karma= how you live your life determines what your next life will be Cycle of birth, life, death and life

The cycle ends only when a person achieves a mystical union with God A person must come to realize their soul and God’s soul are one

Many Paths to God Why do Hindus, even in lower castes, accept the system? Believe they are connected with God by following their own path Part of the path is the job you have that is linked to the caste system Devote Hindus carry out their duties in life Spiritual practices= meditation and yoga