Open-Ended Questions Chapter 8
New Economic Patterns Effects (Listing Question) Destroyed Indian traditional economy Locally made goods disappeared Indians bought expensive British made products: imports Cash crop economy Less food crops India dependent on Great Britain
Social Changes Effects (Listing Question) population growth urbanization British educated Indian middle class make like British (p.197) English a common language learned about liberty, freedom, democracy resentment to British rule = rise of Indian nationalism westernization
What system helped people remain spiritually pure and determined a person’s occupation and provided a sense of identity for its people and did not provide a great deal of freedom ? Caste
What country was able to gain and stay in control of India until after WWII because of the decline of Mughal/rival kingdoms/lack of Indian unity and diversity? Great Britain
What religion supported the caste system and helped establish of a set of rules for society that governed all aspects of life? Hinduism
What group supported Hindu nationalism/ reform and eventually political independence? INC
What was the last Muslim Empire in South Asia decline was caused by loss of tolerance towards Hindus/ civil wars among Muslim princes and wasteful spending? Mughal