Don’t host a sustainability summit Unless you value rejuvenating Nation with words, deeds, and media Jeju AIIB2017 At a great summit host presents exciting challenge – Korean Governor launches green big bang club for 2500 place leaders Racing to zero carbon Designing goodwill summits: host distributes most positive story of every foreign leader attending to national media – these are exciting times because sustainability goals genration nreed maps searching for win-win solutions-please cover solutions world’s communities can collaborate with- that’s the core social purpose of any media or edu system that values youth futures and people-cenric economies Cross-Straits Greater Bay Dalian Cross-Straits Shenzhen Greater Bay
Belt Road- Missing Curriculum : Geographic Economics 1 Rail from Yiwu in eastern China, a major wholesale centre for small consumer goods passed through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, and France Belt Road- Missing Curriculum : Geographic Economics 1 2 3 Half global trade goes on between this regions superports China realises its west will get poorer and poorer with out overland belts: Eurasia route 1 covers third of earth’s circumfrance- extra cost marginal; need cooperation Between 8 nations; route 2 could be regarded as china’s big gift if it connects worlds most conflicted regions in trade; route 3 China-India-Bngal-My is needed to connect poorest regions empires left behind; once the world sees these freedoms why not hook up russia and alaska, and…
Can you help connect english speaking students with chinese japanese and korean students; there is a huge amount for china-japan-korea to positively connect with the rest of the world? With japan hosting the g20 in 2019 and then the olympics supported by ali baba in 2020 - youth can celebrate positive moves including new development banking, going green, arts and sports in communities, and mapping belt roads; however in english speaking worlds they will need to do this through student union projects as the curriculum of beltroad or win-win ecommerce or blockchain for the poorest not yet been designed (and has top-down valuation conflicts with what mba's are taught)
Education missing curricula : Belt Road Trade Why US Congress Needs to Go Back to School LINKIN AMERICA & EUROASIA 1/2 missing bridges to worldwide trading belt What could be the value multipliers of trade if a railway bridge/ tunnel connected North West Alaska and North East Russia Next months BRICS summit will come with wonderful ideas on how the whole World can win-win –why woulds USA kickstart sme trades with Russia as well As China now Education missing curricula : Belt Road Trade One more question- make a list of nations which currently survive Due to dirty energy that until recdently usa has socumed most Which one will usa ever safely innovate with if its not Russia?
Indonesia slum upgrading Indonesia Reg Inv Proj1 Yiwu in coastal China completed its maiden journey of 8,111 miles to Madrid. En route it passed through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany and France before arriving at the Abroñigal freight terminal in Madrid. The railway has been dubbed the “21st-century Silk Road” by Li Qiang, the governor of Zhejiang province, where Yiwu is located Georgia batumi road Tajikistan D-U border road Azerbaijan Anatolian hna gas pipeline Tajikstan Nurek hydro power Tajikistan D-U border road Bangladesh energy distribution Pakistan National motorway m4 Indonesia slum upgrading Pakistan tarbela hydropower extension Myanmar myingyan power plant Oman preparing railway to link superport Oman duqm port and science park Azerbaijan Anatolian hna gas pipeline Indonesia Reg Inv Proj1 Indonesia Dam op improvement Bangaldesh natural gas infrastructure Georgia batumi road India power for all India infrastructure fund Tajikstan Nurek hydro power India Gufarat rural roads egypt first project -solar annnounced sept 2017 Pakistan National motorway m4 Pakistan tarbela hydropower extension India power for all India infrastructure fund India Gufarat rural roads egypt first project – solar annnounced sept 2017 Myanmar myingyan power plant Bangladesh energy distribution Bangaldesh natural gas infrastructure Oman preparing railway to link superport Oman duqm port and science park Indonesia slum upgrading Indonesia Reg Inv Proj1 Indonesia Dam op improvement