(The Wonders of Physics) Outreach 9/4/2018 The audience General Public Students Scientists The issues How do we get their attention? What do we do once you have it? Proven expertise (The Wonders of Physics)
The Wonders of Physics 9/4/2018 Fast-paced demonstration show covering all areas of classical physics 20 years, 161 public campus presentations, >50,000 people 15 years, ~800 traveling shows, ~50,000 people mostly in WI but throughout the USA 20 hours of videotapes Teacher workshops Web sites (2) Lecture Kit (NSF funded)
Topics Motion Heat Sound Electricity Magnetism Light Modern Physics
Traveling Show Over 800 shows in 15 yrs Mostly precollege schools Full-time outreach person (Jim Reardon) supported half by DOE (MST) and half by NSF Donations ($100-400) requested per show Some corporate donors
Proposed Activities Additional plasma demonstrations Minorities & impoverished areas Expanded Web presence Graduate student / postdoc training Workshops for K-12 teachers Lesson plans for teachers (?) Assessment of results (?) Advisory board (?)
What are Others Doing? Ultrafast Optical Science (Univ of Michigan) Cosmological Physics (Univ Chicago) JILA (Univ Colorado) MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms IceCube (Univ of Wisconsin)
Ultrafast Optical Science (U. Mich) Michigan Reach Out! mentor program Summer Research Experience for undergrads Physics Olympiad sponsorship Public talks by center scientists
Cosmological Physics (U. Chicago) Weekend courses in cosmology for educators TA support for hands-on lab for inner-city 7-12 graders Visiting scholars from other institutions 6-8 week cosmology curriculum for middle school under development
JILA (U. Colorado) CU Wizards (Monthly presentations for elementary school students (broadly targeted) Physics 2000 (Web-based physics lab)
MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms TOPS (Teaching opportunities in physical science) targets undergrads in science interesting in teaching Art exhibit School visits (only one listed on Website!) Video program for Japanese public TV
IceCube (U. Wisconsin) 2-week summer workshops for teachers (15 teachers in 2002) Classroom curriculums developed as part of workshop Extensive written materials on Web Message board where teachers can get answers from scientists