Johnston County Public Schools Standards-Based Teaching and Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Johnston County Public Schools Standards-Based Teaching and Learning August 8, 2017 Dr. Angela Quick and Kayla Siler

At RTI, we’re working to change that. All children deserve access to a quality education that empowers them to thrive. Yet our teachers, principals, and administrators who deliver that education are being asked to do more with less in an increasingly complex, diverse, and constrained environment. At RTI, we’re working to change that.

Backed by 50+ years of education research credibility Who We Are Backed by 50+ years of education research credibility Led by former teachers, principals, district administrators, and state education leaders who have the practical experience to translate promising education research into practice.

Agenda Welcome (2:00 – 2:05) What is Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? (2:05 – 2:25) Chalk Talk Activity Why Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? (2:25 – 2:35) What does the research say? (2:35 – 3:10) Standards-Based Grading (3:10 – 3:20) Standards-Based Teaching and Learning Q&A (3:20 – 3:30)

What is Standards-Based Teaching and Learning?

Standards-Based Teaching and Learning “In education, the term standards-based refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education.” From The Glossary of Education Reform:

What is Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? Chalk Talk Activity What is Standards-Based Teaching and Learning?

WHY Standards-Based Teaching and Learning?

Why Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? Identifies the END GOAL for teachers, students and parents   “While this approach asks us to work backward instead of forward, it truly is the easiest and most efficient way of creating units and lessons that I have encountered. It’s also a huge help to students to see, hear, or have demonstrated for them what exactly the teacher expects by the end of the unit. That way the student can learn to self-assess daily and weekly on their personal improvement.” Ali Cushing teaches Physical Education for kindergarten through sixth grade at Effingham Elementary and Ossipee Central schools in New Hampshire /

Why Standards-Based Teaching and Learning?   Assessing and instructing based on the standards to be mastered “In Social Studies, for example, no longer am I grading on neatness, but on whether or not students can identify geographic features on a map. Neatness may still be an expectation, but assessing it doesn’t tell me one way or the other if that student understands the standard I am grading.” Jana Diket is a Middle School Social Studies Teacher at Windsor Elementary School, Sheepscot Valley RSU #12 in Maine /

Why Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? Allows cross team/school collaboration “In a competency-based learning environment, cross-disciplinary collaboration is taken to the next level. Our staff room is constantly abuzz with attempts to breakdown learning and solve the problems we confront… This forces a type of conversation that I have not found consistently present in past positions. Point to an assessment, question or rubric and any one of us can tell you why we put it there and what we hope to learn from it.” Jodi Robertson is a high school teacher in Marysville, Ohio

Why Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? Student agency and ownership of learning “There is no doubt that moving to a standards-based system is challenging. It seems to me that if we are methodical in our approach, we can ease some of that challenge. Teachers’ first steps need to include understanding the standards for themselves and seeing just how they might assess them. Once they grasp that new way of thinking about their craft, teachers need to help their students understand the standards so the students can take some ownership of their learning and feel confident in interpreting feedback and assessment data from the teacher.” Nick Mitchell elementary science teacher at the American School of Doha in Qatar.

What does the research say? What are examples of success?

Research and Information from other states/districts Research/Document Review Standards-Based Instruction: A Focused Approach to Teaching and Learning What is the difference between Standards-Based Grading and Competency Education? is-the-difference-between-standards-based-grading/ Personalized Competency-Based Learning http://soltreemrls3.s3-website-us-west- d_CBE_Whitepaper_September_2016.pdf?utm_source=direct&utm_cam paign=mr-pcbe&utm_content=whitepaper (pages 1-2) The Glossary of Education Reform: Standards-Based Study%20Full%20Report.pdf (section 2, beginning on page 21)

Research and Information from other States/Districts States-Sept-2016.pdf (pages 9, 13 and 17 – Key Lessons) Colorado – Standards-Based Teaching/Learning Cycle (pages 1-5, 23, & 32) basedteachingandlearningcycle Standards-Based Classroom (Marzano) content/uploads/sites/73/2016/08/Teaching-Map.pdf Best Practices for Standards-Based Grading - (summary and key findings pages 3-4) Practices-for-Standards-Based-Grading.pdf 7 Reasons for Standards Based Grading - 02/Seven_Reasons_for_Standards-Based_Grading.aspx

Research and Information Review Reflection questions: What did you learn about Standards-Based Teaching and Learning that you did not know? What are lessons learned or takeaways for your classroom? After Reflection: Any patterns/trends based on each reflection? Any surprises?

Standards-Based Grading

Standards-Based Grading What is Standards-Based Grading? Standards-Based Grading (SBG) uses academic performance indicators that are observable and objective to communicate student progress throughout the year in meeting end of year (EOY) expectations. Teachers assess student performance on learning standards which are specific and observable grade level skills. These standards must be mastered by the end of the year to ensure readiness and success in the next grade level. How is this connected to Standards-Based Teaching and Learning? Grades are a reporting component of teaching and learning Teaching and learning should align to the grading Both rely on specific and observable grade level skills (learning standards)

Discussion How is grading different with standards-based teaching and learning? How is teaching and learning different in a standards-based system? How does this align to the goal of personalized learning for all students?

Traditional vs. Standards-Based Grade Book ELA.5.R1 ELA.5.R2 Reading Comp Pretest Reading Log 1 Ch. 1-3 Quiz Ch. 4-7 Quiz Reading Log 2 Chapter 5 Test 1/13/17 1/17/17 1/19/17 1/23/17 1/24/17 1/27/14 Student 1 N B P M Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5


RTI Contacts Angela H. Quick School Services 919.541.7311 Kayla M. Siler 919.541.7339