Integrated Nurse Leadership Program Sustainment Presentation San Francisco General Hospital December 15, 2010
SFGH INLP TEAM 2 Introduce yourself. List of team members and their roles/units. In presenting, you don’t need to read everyone’s names but do highlight important points, e.g. the team represents two units, all three shifts, and staff/charge/managers Explain team structure Introduce your executive sponsor 2 2
Sustainment Med Safety Cart week Nurse-pharmacist shadowing Unit Team Leads to review UO reports and build Test of Change and PDSA cycles around these recorded errors Continue with yearly med passes observation for all staff How did you sustain these improvements and spread to the organization as a whole? State specific ways in which you have or intend to systematize the improvements into your organization 4 4
Sustainment~continued Patient Survey Continue to be part of SFGH Med Surg Training Program
Continue recruitment and develop new staff Evidence Based Practice Lessons Learned Continue recruitment and develop new staff Evidence Based Practice Get Involved!
Thank You for your continued support!!! Sue Currin, CEO Sharon McCole-Wicher,CNO Nela Ponferrada, Director Julie Kliger and the INLP Team The SFGH Staff Nurses Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation