English IV August 6, 2014
Bell-Ringer Pick up a bell-ringer handout from the table by the door. Answer the following question in the first spot on the handout. Which of the following two sentences is punctuated correctly? Be able to justify your answer. (1) Am I looking at my dinner or the dog’s? (2) Am I looking at my dinner or the dogs?
Bell-Ringer Procedure Each Monday, pick up a bell-ringer handout from the table by the door. Use one box for each day’s bell-ringer. Put the date in the box and respond to the prompt. After you respond, leave it on your desk where I can walk by and see it. We will discuss the bell-ringer each day. On Friday, turn in the handout. A score of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 will be entered into the formative assignments section on Infinite Campus.
Today’s Learning Targets I can complete a short survey. I can write an essay of introduction.
Digital Devices Survey Complete the Digital Devices Survey. Turn in when finished.
Letter of Introduction Write an essay of introduction to me. This essay must be a minimum of five paragraphs. Pay attention to details: paragraphs, idea development, and correct usage, mechanics, and grammar. Be as correct as you can. Due – at the beginning of class tomorrow.