Rush Green Primary School Rush Green Primary School
Agenda School Improvement School Trips Attendance
School Improvement Improve childrens’ writing Improve childrens’ mathematical knowledge Improve the quality of teaching so that children make the same progress (especially our special needs children)
Why? In September around 50% of teaching was good and better Expectations of children too low and below national Standards poor and below national Very little quality English Very little quality writing – one quality piece per week Mathematics was based on a scheme of work which was too easy Very little planning and very little effective marking Large proportion of children had little pride in their work Not enough time for learning in the school day
Why? Policies for marking Policies for teaching and learning Policies for assessment Performance management policy of staff The maths and English curriculum Resources for maths and English ALL OUTDATED
What we have done Held staff to account through performance management Have trained teachers so that the quality of teaching has improved Introduced new curriculums for English and maths Raised standards and expectations of teachers, pupils and work Purchased new resources to support the new curriculums Reassessed pupils’ work to fix a starting point to measure progress against Introduced new policies for marking, assessment, planning and teaching and learning Monitored quality to ensure that what we have said ‘sticks’
We have also… Latest monitoring shows that 85% of teaching is at least good and 20% of the teaching is outstanding New, handpicked staff starting in September Teachers and support staff who are passionate about doing the best for the children Restructured the team to create new opportunities so that we can hold onto our best staff, offer new opportunities for outstanding people form outside our school and build a system of leadership that will work to the benefit of everyone
New Staffing Structure Deputy 1 Deputy 2 Deputy 3 Deputy 4 SBM September 2014 Headteacher Deputy 1 Deputy 2 Deputy 3 Deputy 4 SBM (Leadership & (Teaching & (Assessment & (Inclusion & (Finances) Management) Staff Development) Learning) Behaviour) Phase Leader Phase Leader Phase Leader SENCO (N – Y1) (Y2 – Y4) (Y5 – 6) YGL YGL YGL YGL YGL YGL YGL YGL Nursery Reception Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
Next steps Lots of projects still ongoing and will need to be completed. These will take time!
Library project Playground project Transport project Office and administration building works ICT development and the school Virtual Learning Environment Embed work in English and maths Develop rest of curriculum Develop year 1 to match provision of EYFS Continue refurbishment of classrooms Continue to build links with parents
Trips Lots of trips cancelled School loss of funding School loss of deposit Unable to top up Cost of trip + coach, divided by numbers of children
Why? Cost? Timing? Number of trips? General complacency?
Proposal New ‘opt in’ trip policy
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