Лексико-грамматический КВН по английскому языку в 5 классе
Find the "wrong" word. Coffee, tea, milk, skate, juice teeth, cake, egg, sandwich, fish kitchen, living-room, hall, bathroom, carpet foggy, slippery, frog, cold, hot
Round 1 Clothes “По кочкам”
Round 2 Flat «Крестики-нолики»
Sofa, bed, table, chair, armchair, carpet, fireplace, mirror, door, floor, wall, window, bedroom, bathroom, pantry, kitchen, living-room, shelf, clock, lamp, candle, picture, hall
Round 3 «Орфография»
so_ia_ r_spon_ible arr_n_e gro_p par_ne_ lo_al edu_a_ional social responsible arrange group partner local educational
Round 4 «Grammar» Tag-Questions
The boys cannot skate, … His brother is responsible for music,… My friend reads funny stories,… Marry invited us to Britain,… Children didn’t stay in the hotel,… can they? isn’t he? doesn’t he? didn’t she? did they?
Round 5 Конкурс капитанов
Magic square 1 9 2 7 5 11 10 4 8 3 6 12 16 13 19 15 20 17 14 18 4 8 12 10 6 3 1 5 2 11 9 7 17 15 18 13 14 20 19 16
Round 6 Colours
i g f m k e b y l a h Coloured dream
Round 7 Food
Good luck to you!