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Presentation transcript:

and Scholarly Communication Research Enterprise and Scholarly Communication Data consultation and management Virtual research environment Catalogue of research Institutional repository (The Atrium) Electronic theses and dissertations Open access journal publishing (OJS) Conference hosting (OCS) Digital collections Author rights, copyright & publishing consultation Research consultation Open access Campus author celebration Team overview (Wayne)

Rationale (Wayne)

Rationale (Wayne)

Atrium search results Rationale (Wayne)

Atrium item details Rationale (Wayne)

Atrium full text Rationale (Wayne)

Atrium ETD full text Rationale (Wayne)

Sharing Research Data Accelerates scientific progress Increases the visibility and impact of research Ensures compliance with funding agency policies Avoids duplication of research Enables replication and verification of research results Enhances collaboration Research Data: Unseen Opportunities Canadian Association of Research Libraries, 2009 Rationale (Wayne)

Agri-environmental Research Data Repository All too often the results of expensive and time-consuming research as represented by rich data sets are lost due to the absence of sound data management plans. Redundant research is undertaken because the previous research data is no longer available. Opportunities for analysis of data across time are lost along with the historical data sets. Even when data has been properly stored and preserved it benefits no one if it isn't easily discovered, retrieved and repurposed. Data repository project introduction (Wayne)

Dataverse screen capture (Carrie)

Metadata – data citation details (Carrie)

Metadata – abstract and scope (Carrie)

Metadata – data collection / methodology (Carrie)

Metadata – terms of use (Carrie)

Data Discovery Data discovery (Carrie) -all cataloging fields provided in a study and variable label and descriptions are indexed -if studies/files are restricted, end users need to be given permission from the dataverse administrator to access data

Analysis Univariate Summary Statistics Analysis #1 (Carrie) -copy of data used for the request with an R-command file are downloadable as a ZIP file

Analysis Produce graphs of univariate statistics Analysis #2 (Carrie)

Analysis Advanced Statistical Analysis Analysis #3 (Carrie)

Download Files

Subsetting Data

DataCite (Wayne)

DataCite (Wayne)