Valuing People Standing Committee


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Presentation transcript:

Valuing People Standing Committee Jayne Pyle, Director Professional Development Institute Orientation

Purpose The Valuing People Standing Committee (VPSC) of Pulaski Technical College exists to provide guidance to the college administration and board of trustees, through the Quality Council, on all elements of the mission of the college aimed at workforce acquisition, satisfaction, retention and success including policies, procedures, professional development, position description, and workforce performance/competency evaluation. Source: Much of this training was taken from the Valuing People Standing Committee charter. The entire charter can be found on the committee’s portal page. Instructions at the end of the slide show.

Activities Activities of the VPSC include (but are not limited to) the following:  Research and recommend best practice for workforce engagement and satisfaction In conjunction with the Office of Human Resources recommends an Annual Plan for Human Resources inclusive of capacity assessment, succession planning and competency review Establish workforce behavior standards Continued

Activities Review and recommend content and format for annual performance evaluation and workforce competency reviews Establish guidelines and recommend an annual plan for professional development Recommend and provide oversight to the college’s employee recognition programs Continued

Activities With the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, define the process for individual level strategic involvement and engagement Review information and recommend strategies to support employee engagement and satisfaction Participate in the review and development of policies and procedures required to support the workforce focus purpose and goals

Membership Members will serve for two-year terms with approximately half the members named each year. Any change in the membership structure of the VPSC must be approved by the Quality Council. Ad-Hoc, non-voting members may be appointed to fill a short-term process or specific function.

Defined Tasks, Monitoring, Reporting, and Accountability Create and annually review charter. On an annual basis, staff and train Committee and sub-committees on effective and efficient meeting practices using quality tools. Select chair and recorder and manage meetings through use of quality tools. Review work delegated to the Committee by Quality Council and assigns the work (with deadlines) to appropriate sub-committees. Receive and review sub-committee reports on a monthly basis. Provide feedback to each sub-committee. Provide guidance, as needed, to sub-committees by providing content and process information. Submit recommendations to Quality Council. Prepare monthly reports for Quality Council. Review data sets assigned to the Committee for analysis, make recommendations that support data-based decision making, establish deadlines for recommendations, and develop strategies for sharing results college-wide.

Roles and Responsibilities Chair—Prepares agenda using standard template, facilitates the meeting, maintains order, serves as point of contact for committee, prepares reports of the committee. The Chair is a voting member of the committee and is responsible for reporting committee activities and recommendations to the Quality Council.

Roles and Responsibilities Recorder—The recorder shall record attendance, capture discussions, problem solving and planning of the committee in an unbiased manner and shall prepare minutes following each meeting. The recorder will publish meeting minutes and attendance using standard template, when approved, to the proper location on the college portal. The recorder is a voting member of the committee.

Roles and Responsibilities President’s Executive Council Liaison— The President Executive Council members appointed to the Quality Council will serve as liaisons between the Quality Council, President’s Executive Council, and the eight standing committees. The assigned liaison will serve as a resource person for the committee and will advise the standing committee chair on all committee matters to include: interpretation of committee purpose (scope) and responsibilities, agenda preparation, consensus building, communication methods, and committee evaluation procedures. The Liaison is not a voting member of the committee.

Roles and Responsibilities Member—A participant of the committee selected based on content, process expertise, interest, or external stakeholder representation. Members are expected to be fully engaged participants of planning, problem solving and decision making. If a member is unable to attend, s/he may designate a Proxy. A Proxy carries the voting rights of the Member.

Attendance at Meetings Attendance at meetings—Attendance is an expectation of appointment and will be recorded at each meeting. Members should make prior arrangements and provide notice if they are unable to participate in a meeting. It is the responsibility of the committee member to notify the committee chair when he/she will not be able to attend a scheduled meeting. If a member of the Committee has two absences in one semester, the chair will notify that member and his/her supervisor or constituency about the absences. The chair will submit a request for a replacement to the supervisor or constituency when a member exceeds two absences in one semester. If a member is unable to attend, s/he may designate a Proxy. A Proxy carries the voting rights of the Member.

Quorum Quorum will be 50% plus one of the total current membership.

Member Conduct/Ground Rules Begin and end on time: use cell phones as universal time. Come prepared; Read all materials prior to meeting. The meeting environment is a safe zone; there is no rank in the room. One speaker at a time. Agree only if it makes sense to do so.

Member Conduct/Ground Rules Support decisions made on consensus. Keep comments on target with topics/tasks at hand. Be nice to each other. Use quality tools as often as possible to find consensus. All action items must be completed in a timely manner; preferably by the established deadline.

Member Conduct/Ground Rules Agenda items and related material may be submitted by committee members and non-committee members to the chair/liaison for consideration. They should be submitted one week prior to the meeting by 5 PM. All ringers on cell phones/electronic devices should be turned off or set on vibrate.

Robert’s Rules of Order Robert’s Rules of Order is a guide for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group. The following file provides an overview of motions, tips, and basic information on conducting meetings. Download it and print it out as a reference during meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order notes: University of Louisiana-Monroe

Main Motions: Making a Motion Member raises hand when no one else has the floor. Chair recognizes the member. The member makes a motion (I move to/that…) Another member seconds the motion. The chair states the motion (It is moved and seconded that… Are you ready for the vote?)

Main Motions: Debate Maker of the motion has the right to the floor if he claims it properly. Other members may ask for the floor to debate the motion. Debate must be confined to the merits of the motion. The chair repeats the motion and puts it up for a vote.

Debating Listen to what others have to say. Be polite. Focus on the issues, not the people. Avoid questioning motives.

PTC Committee Resources There is a PTC Committee portal page that contains links to individual committee pages and resources. Templates for minutes and agendas Committee training PowerPoint:  do this Committee recorder training A “cheat sheet” of motions Notes: You may need to be logged into the portal to access this page. From this page, you will see other committee pages. You must “join” the committees to see the contents (agendas, minutes, etc.). By “joining,” you are not actually joining the committee. You are joining the page to access material. Join the Valuing People Standing Committee Do This Training

The End 