Warm Up Apr. 4 What is largest muscle in body? Two bones of appendicular? Where is cardiac muscle found?
Warm Up Mar. 31 What are three muscles of the trunk? What muscle is working during a pull up? What muscle performs a sit up?
Warm Up Apr. 3 Two muscles found in arm. Three muscles in trunk. Two muscles in leg.
Warm up Apr. 1 What muscle flexes the arm? What muscle extends the arm? What muscle flexes the fingers?
Muscles of the Arms and Legs Appendicular Muscles Muscles of the Arms and Legs
Vocabulary Bicep Brachii Tricep Brachii Flexor and Extensor Digitorum Gluteus Maximus Quadriceps Hamstrings Tibialis Anterior Gastrocnemius
Biceps Brachii Flexes forearm at elbow and supinates forearm (hands up or forward) Muscle used to “make a muscle”
Triceps Brachii Posterior surface of upper arm Extends forearm at elbow “Boxer’s muscle”
Flexor & Extensor Digitorum Anterior and posterior forearm to fingers Flexes and extends fingers (and toes)
Warm Up Apr. 2 Muscle that extends leg Muscle that flexes leg? Tip Toe muscle.
Muscles of the Legs Muscles That Move the Thigh Muscles That Move the Leg Muscles That Move the Ankle and Foot
Muscles that Move the Thigh
Gluteus Maximus Largest and most superficial of the gluteal muscles Forms the buttocks Extends the thigh Muscle for sitting and climbing stairs
Quadriceps Femoris Located on the anterior and lateral surface of thigh Used to extend the leg (kicking) Commonly known as “quads”
Hamstrings Located on posterior surface of thigh Flexes leg at knee
Muscles that Move the Ankle and Foot
Tibialis Anterior Anterior leg (moves foot up) (moves foot in)
Gastrocnemius Posterior surface of leg Large two-headed muscle that forms the calf “Tip-toe” muscle