The Restoration and Enlightenment By: Alejandro Osorio, Abby Downey, and Jordan Roach
Events in the World World Leaders Revolutions and Wars 1736– Qian-long becomes emperor, leading China to its greatest prosperity 1740- Maria Theresa becomes queen of Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary 1762- Catherine the Great begins rule to Russia Revolutions and Wars 1699- After 17-year war, Austria negotiates control of east-central Europe, ending Turkish presence in region 1722- Safavid Empire of Persia collapses from Afghan and Ottaman assaults 1789- French Revolution starts World Events 1703- Peter the Great begins building city of St. Petersburg 1756- Frederick the Great of Prussia starts Seven Years’ War fought in Europe, North America, and India 1793- French King Louis XVI executed by guillotine 1795- Napolean Bonaparte’s defense of National Convention delegates from rebels makes him savior of French republic
Wars, Revolutions, and Colonies EVENTS IN BRITAIN Robert Walpole Government 1689- Parliament passes English Bill of Rights 1707- England and Scotland united as Great Britain 1721- Robert Walpole, first political leader to be called prime minister, takes office Wars, Revolutions, and Colonies 1757- British rule over India begins 1763- Britain defeats France in Seven Years’ War, acquiring French Canada 1775- War with colonies in North American begins 1783-American independence acknowledged in Treaty of Paris 1788- First British settlement in Australia 1793- War with revolutionary France begins Rulers of Britain 1685- Reign of James II begins 1702- Reign of Anne begins 1714- Reign of George I begins 1727- Reign of George II begins 1760- Reigns of George III begins Other Key Events 1665- Great Plague of London kills thousands 1666- Five-day Great Fire of London destroys large section of city 1687- Sir Isaac Newton publishes law of gravity 1784- Religious reformer John Wesley, founder of Methodism, officially splits with Church of England Sir Isaac Newton
Events in British literature Other important dates 1668- John Dryden first official poet laureate 1695-End of prepublication censorship a victory for press freedom 1726- Jonathan swift arranges anonymous delivery of manuscript of Gulliver’s Travels to London printer 1755-A dictionary of the English language published Samuel Johnson 1768- publication of Encyclopedia Britannica begins in Scotland 1784- William Blake creates “illuminated printing” technique for combining text and illustration Novels 1671-John Milton’s paradise regained published 1690- John Locke publishes essay two treatises on civil government starting natural rights of life liberty and property 1709-Richard Steele begins periodical the Talter to which Joseph Addison contributes articles 1711-Addison and Steele begins the spectator 1719- Daniel Defoe’s narrative chronicle Robinson cruse published, considered by many the first novel in English 1740- Samuel Richardson's Pamela published, considered by others first novel in English 1791- Boswell issues two-volume Life of Samuel Johnson Diaries 1660- Samuel Pepys begins diary 1722- Defoe publishes a journal of the plague year, fictional narrative of London's deadly plague of 1665-66