Autumn Pictures
Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ hands (Tim booth) This is only one of the pictures from Tim Booth’s project ‘Hands’. People say that you can read your whole life and death from your hand, this was the purpose of the picture, because Tim Booth wanted to see if it was possible for people to read someone’s hand from just a picture. This picture associates with autumn because it is an old gentleman’s hand, and to me autumn associates with dry, fallen leaves and his hand looks like it’s done a lot of work throughout his life, they also look dry. In autumn leaf fall associates with death this is why I chose an old persons hand instead of a babies hand.
Les larmes (Man ray) This picture was taken by an American artist Man Ray who wanted to make people wonder on women’s distress. “mascara-encrusted lashes seem intended to invoke wonder at the cause of her distress. The face, however, belongs not to a real woman but to a fashion mannequin who cries tears of glistening.” This picture associates with autumn because the tears remind me of the cold autumn rain and puddles. This picture also represents stress and to me autumn seems like the most stressful season as people go back to school/college/university and the amount of work they get to do after the summer holiday seems very stressful.
Space writing (self portrait) (Man ray) “He has created a dream-like scene in which it is possible to write in the air. Behind Man Ray is a shape made of lines drawn on the wall, their sharp perspective seeming to create an an invisible plane in front of the wall. The light writing in the foreground similarly produces an invisible plane. The photograph disturbs normal spatial relationships and creates depth with a series of two-dimensional planes, preventing the viewer from visualizing a realistic three-dimensional space.” This picture reminds me of autumn because of it’s darkness; you know it’s autumn when days start getting shorter and night get longer. The light used in the picture makes me think of the lampposts that come on when it gets dark. Also it reminds me of the firework night.
Le Violon d'Ingres (man ray) “For this picture Man Ray used Kiki de Montparnasse wearing a turban as a model for his piece. He transformed the female body into a musical instrument by painting sound-holes on her back, playing with the idea of objectification of an animate body. To me this picture represents autumn because of the turban, because people start dressing warmer in autumn. Her naked body also reminds me of trees, because they are naked as well when they lose the leaves.
Noire et blanche (man ray) This photograph of Kiki de Montparnasse's head next to an African ceremonial mask bears a title that references both the black and white process of photography as well as skin color. It was created at a time when African art and culture was much in vogue. The oval faces of the two almost look identical in their serene expressions, but he contrasts her soft pale face with the shiny black mask.” In my opinion this picture represents autumn because of the mask; they are now used on Halloween. Also the model has her eyes closed and t reminds of the animals going to sleep for the winter.
research METHODS For this piece of work I have used the methods of both primary and secondary researches. First of all I looked through the photography books at college library to find pictures that remind me of autumn. I then took pictures on my iPhone of the pictures from the book and used primary research to ask people whether the pictures remind them of autumn too. This method of research has helped me to agree or disagree on the pictures and if other people see autumn in them or not. This method of research was more effective than secondary research as the pictures are not the typical pictures of autumn leaves and etc., so it would not be mentioned on any other sources. I have then researched the pictures on the internet to find out who took the picture and what was the purpose of it. For that I have used the method of secondary research as it was more effective and detailed than primary research and I could find out more about the actual picture.
References Sigmar Polke (1995). Photoworks: When Pictures Vanish. Los Angeles: The Museum Of Contemporary Art. P66,67,83,95,111. picture was found on this link, last accessed on 16th of December, 2015. picture was found on this link, last accessed on 16th of December, 2015. picture was found on this link, last accessed on 16th of December, 2015. picture was found on this link, last accessed on 16th of December, 2015. picture was found on this link, last accessed on 16th of December, 2015.
References information found on this link last accessed on 17th of December, 2015. information found on this link last accessed on 17th of December, 2015. information found on this link last accessed on 17th of December, 2015. information found on this link last accessed on 17th of December, 2015.