Interactive Reading Project: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Susan Head
Reading Guide Before Reading Introduction: After Reading Questions: Which animal came after the horse? Sheep? Duck? What color was the cat? Bird? Dog? What was the teacher wearing on her face? Which animals were weird colors? What color could they really be? Which animals were normal colors? What animal would you like to add to this book? What color would it be? Why? Where would you see your animal? Reading Guide Before Reading Introduction: Have you ever read this book? What other color bears are there? Where have you seen a bear? A cat? A sheep? A duck? What is your favorite animal? Color? Vocabulary Words: Colors Animals During Reading Comments- Questions: After reading a couple pages… complete “…what do you_____?” What color is the_____? Are____ really that color? How do know? Have you ever seen a white dog? Ideas for repeated readings of story: Guess which animal comes next? Students ask the questions from the text. Ask the students to tell the animals in order. Add their created animals into the story.
Peter 4 years old with Cerebral Palsy Uses a wheelchair to get around Strengths: Receptive language, sign language ability Needs: Easier way to communicate Parents’ Concerns: Finding a VOCA for him to use. Activity to Promote Independent Participation: Speaking choice board of story vocab words and comments He can press the buttons on the iPad to respond to questions during story time with his class.
Renee 3 years old with a physical disability, including limited vision Strengths: Follows directions well, wants to communicate, points to communicate wants/needs, sociable Needs: Vision, more effective communication system Parents’ Concern: Speech therapy to improve speaking ability, in the mean time sign language is being introduced. Activity to Promote Independent Participation: Students will all participate in “Who do you see?” Game to answer what animal from the story is being shown. Taking turns showing the picture. Students will all show the sign for the color and animal that is shown in the picture as quickly as possible. Teacher will teach the signs and display flash cards as a reminder.
Writing Activity: Who do you see? Prompt See Boardmaker and Document
Literacy Activity: Color Word Scramble See Boardmaker