Chapter 9: The Societal Context of Schooling in the United States
Focus Questions How do family, community, and society impact students in the United States? How do socioeconomic status and race affect students in the United States? How do health issues affect students in the United States? How does race affect students in the United States? What are the effects of bullying, theft, and violence on students and schools in the United States? How do truancy and dropping out affect youth in the United States?
What Health Issues Affect Students in the United States? Substance abuse Sexuality-related concerns Childhood obesity Suicide
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Substance Abuse? Develop strong relationships with students and understand their perceptions concerning substance abuse. Become a trusted mentor for individual students at risk for using alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Promote honest discussions about real-world issues including substance abuse. Use active instructional techniques such as role-playing to teach refusal skills. Make information available about community services related to prevention and intervention of substance abuse.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Sexuality-Related Concerns? Provide health education courses. Treat all students with respect. Teach and model refusal skills.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Childhood Obesity? Schools and teachers can provide wellness policies focused on: what children and adolescents eat in school how physically active students are in school providing in-school health and nutrition education
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Suicide? Understand and recognize factors that may indicate suicidal tendencies. If you suspect suicidal tendencies, always notify others such as a mental health professional or a school counselor. Be willing to listen, rather than lecture. Find ways to involve students in service learning that takes them “outside” themselves. Reassure adolescents that depression and suicidal tendencies are treatable.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Racism and Discrimination? Explore the issue of racism intellectually. Engage in dialogue about racism. Immerse yourself in other cultures.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Bullying? Watch for bullying and take it seriously. Be an obvious presence. Do everything possible to help students develop genuine self-esteem. Incorporate lessons that help students internalize the belief that bullying is wrong. Implement prescribed antibullying programs with sincerity and purpose.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Theft and Violence in Schools? Be aware and watchful. Mentally prepare and rehearse responses for a variety of scenarios. Purposefully model and teach values.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Truancy? Maintain accurate attendance records. Communicate all absences to families. Consider establishing after-school programs. Develop relationships with students.
What Can Schools and Teachers Do About Dropping Out? Know the warning signs. Establish ninth grade academies. Consistently provide engaging curricula and instruction. Maintain a safe environment and a welcoming climate. Ensure an adult advocate for every student at every grade level. Improve home and school communication. Provide flexible school configurations.