Rational and Irrational Square Roots
What is a square again? What is a square again? What is a square root? When a number is multiplied with itself (used as a factor 2 times) 1 x 1 is called "1 squared" or "12" and equals 1 2 x 2 is called "2 squared" or "22" and equals 4 5 x 5 is called "5 squared" or "52" and equals 25 What is a square root? Inverse operation to a square Finding which number that is multiplied by itself to create the number (finding the factor that was used 2 times) √4 equals 2 because 2x2=4 √49 equals 7 because 7x7=49
Vocab square: a power in which the exponent is 2 ex. 52 is read as "five squared". 5x5 = 52 = 25 perfect square: is the square of a whole number. ex. 49 is a perfect square because 49=72 and 7 is a whole number ex. 50 is not a perfect square because no whole number squared equals 50 square root: one of the two equal factors of the number ex. 4 is the square root of 16 because 4x4=16. radical sign: the symbol for a square root. √ ex. √ 9 = 3
List all perfect squares through 20
Rational or Irrational? The square roots of all perfect squares are RATIONAL (because they are whole) The square roots of all numbers that are not perfect squares are IRRATIONAL Each Irrational Square Root lies between two integers (because it isn't perfect)
What two integers is the square root between?
What two integers is the square root between?
What two integers is the square root between?