Enabling Flexibility of Business Processes Using Compliance Rules Enabling Flexibility of Business Processes Using Compliance Rules. The Case of Mobiliar Thanh Tran Thi Kim, Erhard Weiss, Christoph Ruhsam, Christoph Czepa, Huy Tran, Uwe Zdun
Introduction Die Mobiliar “Mobiliar Korrespondenz System” (MKS) Swiss private multiline insurance organization, 1.7 million customers Business document generation processes are of highest importance as they are the “business card” of an insurance company “Mobiliar Korrespondenz System” (MKS) Based on the Papyrus Customer Communication Platform Document generation driven by Wizard processes All business correspondence including online and in-document editing, printing and e-delivery Clerks are guided at runtime through predefined process steps Retrieve customer specific business data via web services from different back-end systems to include into the document process Back-end processes control the document delivery
Situation faced Clerks generate documents based on wizards Guidance through rigidly predefined steps Data retrieved at runtime from different back-end systems through SOAP services Business administrators define documents and wizards at design time Business departments define Wizard steps with forms and conditions Control of the change management and release process Rigid processes hinder business agility and innovation How can the solution be extended to support flexibility at runtime to respond better to customer situations?
Action taken Adaptive Case Management (ACM) for goal orientation Enable flexibility by business compliance rule definitions Under control and administration of business departments Combine process support and flexibility by consistency checking techniques Enable business departments to react quickly to rapidly changing insurance market requirements
Approach Constraint specification language MKS operating principle Runtime Design time Process Instances Process Templates Automatic instantiation Runtime Design time Business Administrator Clerk Goal Instances Goal Templates Automatic and ad hoc instantiation Process Instances Process Templates Constraint specification language Task Instances Task Templates Expressed by a constraint specification language, built upon temporal logic patterns State-based rules Data-based rules Consistency Checking System Consistency checking solution (LTL, CEP) On-the-fly checking Model checking Rule Collection
Redesign Wizard Process Typical wizard process structure O F G A K L C B X Z Y Goal 1 Goal 2 Sub-process Rules a) Typical MKS processes b) Flexible MKS processes Not overlapped Redesigned wizard process structure
Ensure Business Compliance Compliance Rules for ad hoc tasks by business administrators Stemming from laws and regulations of the insurance industry Rules define the occurrence and order of tasks and goals Users can add ad hoc tasks as needed as long as they are not violating rules
Flexibility: „Guide, but not force“ Clerk decides for additional ad hoc tasks Predefined task by Wizard process
Results achieved Enable ad hoc changes at runtime Wizards transformed into goal-oriented ACM cases Clerks follow processes but can add flexibly new ad hoc actions Simplification of the wizard processes Reduce the number of process templates Reduce maintenance efforts
Results achieved Business compliance guaranteed Behavioural consistency checking of ad hoc actions at runtime Structural process model checking at design time Benefit for release and change management Process definitions by business staff No IT involvement Deployment of rules and tasks under control of business departments
Lessons learned Focus on customer experience Customer-oriented decisions raise service quality Flexibility is a paradigm change Gradual adoption by business departments Compliance Rules Natural language rule editor for business staff Definition of business terms through domain-specific ontologies