Year 11 Maths GCSE
Maths Exams 2016 Two Exams - 1 non calculator & 1 calculator Higher GCSE papers - 1hr 45 mins Paper 1 Thursday 26th May Paper 2 Thursday 9th June International GCSE papers - 2 hours Further Maths GCSE Paper 1 Monday 20th June Paper 2 Friday 24th June
Year 11 GCSE and Boundaries Higher Paper Grade Boundaries Foundation iGCSE Paper Grade Boundaries
Mock Breakdown - Student
Mock Covey Board - Teacher
PiXL App
KES Academy Website Google KES Academy Website Student Area Examination and Revision Area
KES Academy Website
PiXL App and KES Website PIXL APP - Students can download the app to be used on a phone or a tablet, or use the web based version of the app. School id: KE1854 User ID: surname+first initial e.g. Alex Smith would be SMITHA Password: same as User ID KES WEBSITE- Revision materials are available in the student section under ‘Exam materials and revision’. Some of the resources are password protected and the password is ‘KESSTUDENTSONLY’.
Final 5 weeks….Paper 1 Intervention in school/after school Past paper analysis - Individual strengths and weaknesses Weekly revision – Past papers (KES Website, in school) KES Website and PiXL App 3-5 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Paper 1 on Thursday 26th May
Final 5 weeks….Paper 2 Intervention in school/after school Past paper analysis - Individual strengths and weaknesses Weekly revision – Past papers (KES Website, in school) KES Website and PiXL App 3-5 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Paper 1 on Thursday 9th June Saturday morning of May half term.
Any questions?