Spectrum Management Defense Contractor Perspective Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Spectrum Management Defense Contractor Perspective Rick Reaser Head, Spectrum Mgmt Dept Space and Airborne Systems +1-310-647-3762 richard_reaser@raytheon.com May 22, 2007 Copyright © 2007 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved. Customer Success Is Our Mission is a trademark of Raytheon Company. Speaker Name
Key Messages Spectrum is the Life Blood of the Defense Industry Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Key Messages Spectrum is the Life Blood of the Defense Industry Extremely scarce international resource – taken for granted Regulatory and compliance issues delay and hamper programs Defense industry spectrum is complicated Dropping the “spectrum ball” tarnishes our image Effective spectrum navigation = business opportunities 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Spectrum Management Overview Issues and Ideas Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Agenda Defense Industry Spectrum Management Overview Issues and Ideas Defense Industry Technical/Business Considerations Summary 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Presentation Title August 1, 2018 National Spectrum Management Framework - Defense Industry Works in Both Camps 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
NTIA Regulatory Guidance Presentation Title August 1, 2018 NTIA Regulatory Guidance 9.1.4 Applications Required for Private Contractors “If a private contractor requires the use of radio frequencies under the terms of a Government contract, a determination must be made as to whether the Government agency should apply to the IRAC for the frequency authorization or whether the contractor should apply to the FCC. … (see Section 8.2.17)” Determining Whether a Station is a Government Station “Since the foregoing may not cover every case, or where there may be doubt, the determination will be made by the department or agency concerned after consultation with the NTIA/FCC as appropriate.” 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Regulatory “Venues” Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Defense Industry Regulatory “Venues” Government Contracts Satellites Radars Communication Systems NTIA Research and Development Demonstrations Internal R&D FCC or NTIA Facilities and Infrastructure Land Mobile Radios Security and Fire Trunked Radio Comm Labs and Manufacturing FCC (NTIA) Commercial Ventures Consumer Products Private Sector Interests FCC 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 252.235-7003 - Frequency Authorization (a) The Contractor shall obtain authorization for radio frequencies required in support of this contract. (b) For any experimental, developmental, or operational equipment for which the appropriate frequency allocation has not been made, the Contractor shall provide the technical operating characteristics of the proposed electromagnetic radiating device to the Contracting Officer during the initial planning, experimental, or developmental phase of contract performance. (c) The contractor shall use DD Form 1494, Application for Frequency Authorization, to obtain radio frequency authorization. (d) The Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph (d), in all subcontracts requiring the development, production, construction, testing, or operation of a device for which a radio frequency authorization is required. 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Battlefield Systems Cover the Spectrum Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Battlefield Systems Cover the Spectrum Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) Global Hawk SAR APG-79 AESA Radar AMRAAM ASR-23SS COBRA JUDY Global Hawk Ground Station Mission Control Importance of frequency spectrum to Raytheon products and systems Use nearly every band (UHF, L-band, S-band, C-band, Ka, Ku, etc) Airborne,shipborne and ground based radars Weapon system seekers and guidance Communications systems Electronic Warfare systems Navigation systems like GPS Raytheon spectrum challenges International encroachment of radar bands – Phalanx and Patriot Controlling out of band emissions – Global Hawk Choosing “correct” bands at program start – B2 Obtaining licenses and certification early enough – All programs Handling spectrum challenges Better spectrum management Better technology – radios that find quiet spots to operate Sea Based X-Band Radar Phalanx Close-In Weapon System PAVE PAWS Patriot Distributed Common Ground System 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Spectrum Management … from DC to Light Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Defense Industry Spectrum Management … from DC to Light 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Spectrum Issues Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Defense Industry Spectrum Issues Spectrum management not in government contract Not flowed down in subcontracts Lack of attention stands the way of program execution Difficult access to classified information Many frequencies and characteristics classified Sometimes government “washes hands” But, “regulatory certainly” is still government responsibility Defense industry path in generally through the government What’s the answer to this conundrum? 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Sentiments and Appeal Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Some proposals Put “Full Spectrum Management” in government contracts “No cost contracts” to provide basis for classified access Spectrum Management Military Standard and Data Items “Defense Spectrum Industry Association?” Defense Industry Sentiments and Appeal 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Defense Industry Technical and Business Considerations Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Defense Industry Technical and Business Considerations Will government let us use these frequencies? Will the frequencies facilitate foreign sales? Will another country allow us to turn our equipment on there? Will this product interfere with another one of my products or one of my competitors products on the battlefield? Have we shaped national and international technical standards and regulations to defense industry’s benefit? Spectrum Smart = Business Smart 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Summary Spectrum is the Life Blood of the Defense Industry Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Summary Spectrum is the Life Blood of the Defense Industry Complicated regulatory framework with most access through government channels Dropping the “spectrum ball” tarnishes corporate image Effective spectrum navigation = business opportunities & current program execution success 5/22/2007 Speaker Name
Frequency Spectrum is our Life Blood Presentation Title August 1, 2018 Frequency Spectrum is our Life Blood Keep it flowing! Spectrum management is critical to warfighter success! Your work is very important Our troops in the field and planes in the air depend on you to “get it right” Speaker Name