Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Of Mice and Men Published in 1937, in this novella, Steinbeck again seeks to accuse land owners, labor organizers, communists, police and big government of exploiting workers. Setting is again Southwest California – similar to The Grapes of Wrath
Lennie and george The Idea of Lennie and George Two Migrant Workers The American Dream – Not only Survival like the Joads
objectives To describe the physical, mental, and emotional effects of caregiving To pinpoint the sources of fear and despair To analyze intimidation and cruelty To justify survivalism To assess the causes of bullying To define euthanasia
Literary terms Existentialism – a loosely defined term that contrasts the random nature of the universe with the inadequacy of human control or intelligence – For Example George and Lennie – who must flee their jobs because George is unable to stifle Lennie’s need to caress soft objects
Literary terms Foreshadowing – an object statement action, that anticipates prefigures or predicts a certain event
Literary terms Novella – a shortened form of fictional development lying between 30,000-50,000 words. The intensity of the limited action and character development maintains the author’s control over the emerging theme of compassion. Naturalism Social Realism - a type of literature which concerns itself with the direct engagement with and intervention in the problematic (usually economic) social conditions in society.
Themes Compassion Loyalty Dependence Vulnerability Need Longing Violence/intimidation Euthanasia
motifs Caregiving to the handicapped Migrating from job to job Following orders The powerlessness of the dispossesed Dreaming of an idyllic place Accepting the weaknesses of others Avoiding trouble
Language and vernacular We will limit the usage of bad language from the novel in class Code Names – Almost every character has a name that is in some way symbolic of who he or she is portrayed as a character