How Well are Kenya and Zimbabwe Implementing the Maputo Protocol? Lessons Learned from Grassroots Organizations in Kenya and Zimbabwe By Tanya Sukhija, Esq.
Overview VAWG in Kenya Discrimination Against Women in Zimbabwe Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) & Child Marriage Sexual Violence, Especially Against Girls Discrimination Against Women in Zimbabwe Access to Abortion in Cases of Rape Discriminatory Application of Loitering Law
FGM & Child Marriage in Kenya What Has Kenya Done to Implement the Maputo Protocol with Regard to FGM? Children’s Act Prohibition of FGM Act Anti-FGM Board Prosecution Anti-FGM Units How is Kenya Failing? Lack of Awareness Lack of Coordinated Responses to Cases Poor Collection of Evidence Lack of Capacity Mitigation of Charges
Sexual Violence in Kenya What Has Kenya Done to Implement Provisions of the Protocol with Regard to Sexual Violence? Sexual Offences Act Guidelines on Management of Sexual Violence Positive Court Judgment in 160 Girls Case How is Kenya failing? Case Studies: 160 Girls Case Gang Rape in Liz Case There is a Lack of Willingness to Protect the Human Rights of Women and Girls.
Access to Abortion in Cases of Rape in Zimbabwe What Has Zimbabwe Done to Implement the Maputo Protocol? Termination of Pregnancy Act How is Zimbabwe Failing? Case Study: Mildred Mapingure v. The Minister of Home Affairs In Practice, the Termination of Pregnancy Act Fails to Protect the Right to Access Abortion in Cases of Rape.
Discrimination Against Women in Zimbabwe What Has Zimbabwe Done to Implement the Protocol in Terms of Eliminating Discrimination Against Women? New Constitution in 2013 How is Zimbabwe Failing? Discriminatory Application of Loitering Law Related VAW Issues