(Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) GRID Science Gateway Riccardo Rotondo (riccardo.rotondo@garr.it) Consortium GARR Joint CHAIN/EUMEDGRID-Support/EPIKH School to Science Gateways Amman, Jordan 28.11.2011 www.epikh.eu
Outline Computationally intensive research Grid access technologies Science Gateway The e-Collaboration environment The old paradigm Science Gateway architecture The new “brick” approach Use Cases: The EUMEDGRID Science Gateway The INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway The CHAIN Science Gateway The Gilda t-Infrastructure Portal The RICeVI Portal Conclusions
Computationally intensive research
Several scientific domain involved
GRID at world scale >340 sites in 57 countries ~337,000 CPU cores >220 PB of storage ~1 million jobs/day ~20,000 users in ~280 VOs
But…using Grids is not straightforward echo Staging Input Data \(Courtesy of European Space Agency\); #edg-rm --vo=gilda copyFile lfn:$1.N1 file://$PWD/$1.N1; lcg-cp --vo=gilda lfn:$1.N1 file://$PWD/$1.N1; echo Staging Application; gunzip beam20.tar.gz; tar xvf beam20.tar; cd beam-2.0/bin; echo Starting Application; ./pds2jpg-ASAR-run.sh $1; mv $1-b*.jpg ../.. cd ../.. rm -fr beam-2.0; rm -fr $PWD/$1.N1; rm -fr $PWD/beam20.tar; echo Input ENVISAT Product courtesy of European Space Agency touch ENVISAT_Product_courtesy_of_European_Space_Agency echo No Output Packaging; echo Done!; $ voms-proxy-info --all subject : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Robots/L=INFN Catania/CN=MrBayes/CN=proxy/CN=proxy issuer : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Robots/L=INFN Catania/CN=MrBayes/CN=proxy identity : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Robots/L=INFN Catania/CN=MrBayes/CN=proxy type : proxy strength : 1024 bits path : /tmp/x509up_u512 timeleft : 500:38:44 === VO gilda extension information === VO : gilda subject : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Robots/L=INFN Catania/CN=MrBayes issuer : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=Catania/CN=voms.ct.infn.it attribute : /gilda/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL attribute : /gilda/generic-users/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL attribute : /gilda/idl/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL timeleft : 23:59:33 uri : voms.ct.infn.it:15001 $ glite-wms-job-status https://gilda-lb-01.ct.infn.it:9000/1o4BVjqg2tJ4rN-XTAIGAg ************************************************************* BOOKKEEPING INFORMATION: Status info for the Job : https://gilda-lb-01.ct.infn.it:9000/1o4BVjqg2tJ4rN-XTAIGAg Current Status: Done (Success) Logged Reason(s): - Job terminated successfully Exit code: 0 Status Reason: Job terminated successfully Destination: grid010.ct.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-gilda Submitted: Tue Jun 29 15:34:40 2010 CEST ************************************************************* Scripts Type = "Job"; JobType = "MPICH"; MPIType = "MVAPICH2_PGI706"; CpuNumber = 16; MPIGranularity = 4; Executable = "flash2"; StdOutput = "mpi.out"; StdError = "mpi.err"; InputSandbox = {"watchdog.sh","mpi.pre.sh","mpi.post.sh","flash.par","summers_den_1e0.rates","flash2"}; OutputSandbox = {"mpi.err","mpi.out","watchdog.out","flash_bubble.log","amr_log"}; Requirements = (other.GlueCEUniqueId == "unipa-ce-01.pa.pi2s2.it:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-hpc"); RetryCount = 0; JDL CLI Users have to cope with complex security procedures, execution scripts, job description languages, command line based interfaces and lack of standards. This makes the learning curve very steep and keeps non IT-experts away. GSI
Grid Interface Evolution CLI gEclipse The way users access Grid resources has continuously evolved towards simplicity and transparency: Command Line Globus and gLite CLI Used by the enthusiastic and early adopter scientists GUI applications gEclipse, Grid2Win Good to expand the communities but difficult to maintain Web Interface GENIUS, P-GRADE Easier for new users but monolithic Science Gateways Grid2Win “robot” certificates on “e-tokens”
Science Gateways A framework of tools that allows scientists to run applications with little concern for where the computation actually takes place. This is similar to cloud computing in which applications run as Web services on remote resources in a manner that is not visible to the end user. However, a science gateway is usually more than a collection of applications. Gateways often let users store, manage, catalogue, and share large data collections or rapidly evolving novel applications they cannot find anywhere else. Training and education are also a significant part of some Science Gateways
Reference Model Embedded Applications Administrator Power User Basic User Appl 1 Appl 2 Appl N Gateway Science Grid Services Users from different organisations having different roles and privileges Cosa devo dire qua Other Middleware
Social Networks’ Bridge IdP AuthN & AuthZ Schema Science Gateway Authorisation Authentication 1. Register to a Service GrIDP (“catch-all”) Social Networks’ Bridge IdP IDPCT (“catch-all”) IDP_y 2. Sign in ......... LDAP
IDEM Identity Federation in Italy (www.idem.garr.it) IDEM figures: 33 Members (INFN and COMETA are two of them); 9 Partners from abroad; 54 IDentity Providers; 35 Services Providers ~3,000,000 end users; ~50% of the Italian higher education & research community e-identified students in EU
Liferay (www.liferay.com) Highly-configurable, scalable, open source portal framework; Compatible with JSR 168/286 standards and based on modern web 2.0 technologies; Liferay services planned to be used: Portal; CMS & WCM; Collaboration and “social” software
Grid Access enable: Portlets as bricks Portlets can interact with the Grid e-Infrastructure Different approaches are available: Execute the Command Line behind the portal; Using API where available: Must be in Java or other languages supported by Liferay; Call REST services from Javascript code in the browser; Additional layers between Liferay and the Grid can be necessary for some services; Each portlet can follow its own communication method.
Usage Workflow 2. Verify ACL 4. Grid Credential Exchange 1. Log In 6. Results 3. Grid Services Request 5. Grid Services 7. Download data
Functionalities 08/07/2011
Science Gateway Developed EUMDEDGRID SUPPORT Science Gateway INDICATE Science Gateway DECIDE Science Gateway VIRALGRID Science Gateway GISELA Science Gateway CHAIN Science Gateway The Gilda t-Infrastructure Portal The RICeVI Portal 08/07/2011
Liferay AT INFN-CT
The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway (1/5)
The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway (2/5)
The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway (3/5)
Federation Supported 6 Federations supported: GrIDP (“catch-all”, Italy); GARR-IDEM (Italy); CARSI (Chinese); GRNET-AAI (Greece); RCTSaai (Portugal); SIR (Spain).
Federation supported by The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway
Other federation supported (1/2)
Other federation supported (2/2)
The GrIDP Identity Provider (1/2) 4 Identity Providers are available in GrIDP: A “catch-all” IdP created at Catania; The maat-G (enterprise) IdP; INFN-AAI IdP (all INFN researchers and associates); An idp that enables Social Networks credentials.
The GrIDP Identity Provider (2/2)
The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway (4/5)
The EUMEDGRID-Support Science Gateway (5/5)
The INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway (5/6)
The INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway (6/6)
The CHAIN Science Gateway
The CHAIN Science Gateway
The CHAIN Science Gateway
The Gilda t-Infrastructure Portal
E-learning Science Gateway
Sharing Collaboration Training Dissemination RICeVI Portal Sharing Collaboration Training Dissemination
Current Status 12 Liferay-based Science Gateways are currently powered by Shibboleth at INFN Catania; 6 Federations supported; 4 instances are registered as official IDEM Service Provider; 4 Identity Providers are available in GrIDP.
Credits & Acknowledgments Valeria Ardizzone (COMETA); Roberto Barbera (UNICT & INFN) Riccardo Bruno (COMETA); Antonio Calanducci (COMETA); Marco Fargetta (COMETA) Elisa Ingrà (GARR); Giuseppe La Rocca (INFN) Salvatore Monforte (INFN); Fabrizio Pistagna (INFN); Rita Ricceri (INFN); Diego Scardaci (INFN); Vincenzo Ciaschini (INFN); Enrico Fasanelli (INFN); Maria Laura Mantovani (GARR); Barbara Monticini (GARR); Simona Venuti (GARR)
References Science Gateway Url: http://applications.eumedgrid.eu/ http://gilda.ct.infn.it http://www.chain-project.it http://indicate-gw.consorzio-cometa.it
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