Supervisor expectations Heidi Iwashita, Elise Peltier, Priya Kucheria
Objectives Logistics Documentation setup Guidelines for preparedness Supervision styles Support Preferred method of communication Personal preferences about email ITP deadlines
RDS Documentation labeling and organizational setup
Documentation guidelines Deadlines: Lesson plans in RDS at least 24 hours prior to session SOAP notes in RDS Self-Reflections due 24 hours post session via email Assessment reports and ITPS are supervisor specific- be sure you understand when they are due. Tip: Use spell check and ensure that your spelling is corrected before uploading documents Good Example: Priya, I had a question about the BCAT assessment, I looked up or ______ textbook, but was only able to discern that it is a cognitive linguistic assessment. I need a copy of the test, any ideas of where I should look ? VS Unprepared : Priya, I had a question about BCAT – what is it ?
Self-reflection Delivery: Implementation: Logistics: What aspects of clinical delivery need change? presentation of information, organization of clinical pieces Therapeutic delivery – pacing, collaboration Implementation: Including all the treatment ingredients fidelity Logistics: Setup of the room Documentation completion and timeliness Clinical presentation: Professional Body language, cultural sensitivity,communication style, rapport Post session – receiving feedback positively (on session + documentation). Presenting a difference of opinion respectfully Good Example: Priya, I had a question about the BCAT assessment, I looked up or ______ textbook, but was only able to discern that it is a cognitive linguistic assessment. I need a copy of the test, any ideas of where I should look ? VS Unprepared : Priya, I had a question about BCAT – what is it ?
Preparedness for meetings Second year First year Do a thorough chart review; look up side effects for medications Ideas for goals or changes to be made Thoughts for your first session Be clear about outcome measures (tracking progress) Come in with completed CHARTR, questions Look up infoCDS for any articles that may be useful Be familiar with how to write a plan for the session Be ready to track data You will prep the session/room (including setting up video) CHARTR process for thinking through clinical decision making We encourage you to utilize EBP and resources when proposing an idea or intervention approach. I like to hear that you’ve attempted to find a solution to a problem on your own first. I love it when you’re resourceful because it helps me learn and understand your thinking process (or know about a resource that I may have been unaware of). Email us or ask questions when you’re unsure, and we’ll try our best to respond within a timely manner Good Example: Priya, I had a question about the BCAT assessment, I looked up or ______ textbook, but was only able to discern that it is a cognitive linguistic assessment. I need a copy of the test, any ideas of where I should look ? VS Unprepared : Priya, I had a question about BCAT – what is it ?
Supervision styles Heidi Elise Priya Preferred method of communication – email ( Office hours: Mon 12 – 1 Email every time you have something up on RDS Elise Preferred method of communication- email ( ) Office hours: Mon 12-1 Email self reflection when SOAP is done ( it can also be efficient to do lesson plan immediately after SOAP). Email when ITP or Assessment report is done Priya Preferred method of communication – email ( Do not email when you have something up on RDS (we will set a personal deadline system) Priya – immediate modeling, documentation
Pep-talk! Speed of term- it goes fast Focused approach – Take feedback objectively, not personally. A grade is just a number / letter ; does not define your strengths, personality and potential. It is a representation of your performance in a brief period of time Global approach – schooling in the “grand scheme of things”. Its not about the trees, its about the forest.