An Amazing Mammal By: Miss Fulghum Duckbill Platypus An Amazing Mammal By: Miss Fulghum
OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: Describe characteristics of the duckbill platypus that help it survive Understand the basic needs of the duckbill platypus
LOCATION Eastern Australia Tasmania They live near freshwater lakes and rivers.
EXISTENCE? In the 1700’s, European scientists thought that the platypus did not exist. Naturalists from Australia sent a live platypus to Europe to prove its existence.
CONSERVATION Platypus was close to extinction in the 19th century because they were hunted for their fur. Fishermen did not like them because they like to eat fish. Now, they are protected by law.
HOME They live in burrows that they dig underground near water. Burrows can be up to 60 feet long.
CLASSIFICATION These mammals are classified as Monotremes. There are only two animals in this group: Platypus and Echidna. They are the only mammals that lay eggs rather than give birth.
CHARACTERISTICS Mammal Webbed feet Beaver-like tail Bill like a duck that has sensitive nerve endings Bill is a long snout that is soft, leathery skin Lays eggs Produces milk for young Can live up to 15 years in the wild
SIZE AND COLOR Body is 14 inches long Tail is 5 inches long Males are usually slightly larger than females. Colors vary from yellowish to dark brown.
FUR Fur is fine and dense. There are two layers: undercoat and long guard fur. Together, the layers trap air in order to keep the platypus dry even after swimming for long periods of time. Water never gets through to the skin.
SWIMMING The platypus has webbed feet and a tail like a beaver. This helps them dive and swim through the water with ease. They close their eyes and ears when swimming. 12 hours a day
HUNTING Use the sense of touch Have no teeth Bills are used to detect tiny electrical charges from muscle activity. Detect these traces from 2-4” away. Stores food in cheek pouches.
FOOD Worms Fish Tadpoles Frogs Crustaceans
NATURAL ENEMIES Large fish Some snakes Humans
PROTECTION Males have hind feet claws (spurs) on their ankles that connect to a venom gland. Toxin is strong enough to kill a dog and can cause severe pain in humans. Spurs are used when they fight with another male platypus.
BABIES Females usually lay two soft, leathery eggs but may lay up to four. She clasps the eggs against her abdomen with her tail for about two weeks. Milk is produced by glands under mother’s skin, and the baby licks milk from her fur.
BABIES Have no fur Blind for about two months Have teeth for a short time Helpless
Review Unique mammals Lay eggs Live near fresh water Have no teeth as adults Have webbed feet and beaver-like tail
The End!