A fixed resistor A filament lamp An LED Sketch an I/V graph for: Now underneath sketch R/V graphs for:
Resistivity 01/08/2018 LO: Investigate how resistance varies with length and cross-sectional area Define resistivity and practice using the formula
Investigation Connect the thin wire in series to a 1.5V battery. Measure its pd & the current through it. Calculate resistance. Repeat for the thicker wire. Conclusion – How does resistance vary with cross-sectional area (A)? Use a proportional sign. 2) Connect one of the wires to a 1.5V battery. Measure current at varying lengths (l) of wire and calculate resistance(R) for each. Plot a graph of resistance (y-axis) against length (x-axis). Conclusion -How does resistance vary with length (l)? Use a proportional sign.
Where: R is resistance in ohms,Ω ρ is resistivity in ohm metres,Ωm L is length in metres,m A is cross-sectional area in m2
Resistivity is a measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electric charge. Resistance is a property of a sample of material E.g. A certain piece of copper wire Resistivity is a property of a material E.g. Copper
2.85Ω E.g. Coppers resistivity is 1.68x10-8Ωm at 20oC. What is the resistance of a sample of copper that is 3.00m long and has a diameter of 0.15mm? 2.85Ω
Practice makes perfect! AS Electricity Specimen Questions Questions Pg 103 Resistivity Worksheet (not qu7)
How does the resistivity of conductors vary with temperature? Why?