R&D on the sliding comparison of standard and mini-drawers Tilecal week (7 October 2011) François Vazeille François Daudon, Gilles Magaud, Guy Savinel and Pierre Verdier + Irakli Minashvili and Loulou Main goals Set up in the building 175 Results Main conclusions and next steps 1
Main goals Discussion on 2008 July 5th about the interests of having mini-drawers , half-long standard drawers: The main goal was about the handling and the space to the Tilecal access. Here is what were my conclusions: OK for the handling Fully against for the rest ! 2
Set up in the building 175 (30-31 March 2011) Drawer types Weight (kg) 1 mini-drawer not loaded 12 1 standard drawer not loaded 15 2 mini-drawers not loaded 24 2 mini-drawers loaded or a standard drawer loaded 42 1 standard super-drawer loaded or a train of 4 mini-drawers loaded 84 3
(Better on Noryl girder rings) New Old mechanical links New sliding part Polyethylene (Better on Noryl girder rings) ~ a factor 2 expected. Loaded with iron 4
in horizontal position. Systematic comparison of standard/mini-drawers - In pulling and pushing operations. - In 3 differents positions. by making series of 20 measures with different operators. Module is horizontal: Drawers in vertical position Module at 45°: Drawers in medium position Module is vertical: Drawers in horizontal position. 5
Results Presentation of results Pulling Pushing Test # Drawer type Horizontal Medium Vertical 1 1 mini, no load 2.45 0.46 3.31 0.08 2.49 0.13 2.59 0.08 3.69 0.10 2.60 0.09 Pulling Pushing Results given in kg force (~ dAN). Uncertainty: standard deviation of the distribution of 20 measures, and not of the average Bias on the operating way (operator, inertial bias): see later. 6
1 standard super-drawer Test # Drawer type Horizontal Medium Vertical 1 1 mini, no load 2.45 0.46 3.31 0.08 2.49 0.13 2.59 0.08 3.69 0.10 2.60 0.09 2 1 standard, no load 3.53 0.19 5.59 0.27 4.82 0.24 3.63 0.16 6.12 0.16 4.77 0.23 3 2 mini, V links 5.64 0.27 7.30 0.37 5.60 0.55 5.40 0.16 7.28 0.27 5.82 0.21 4 2 mini, standard links 5.75 0.37 6.68 0.29 5.82 0.37 5.49 0.25 7.04 0.26 5.60 0.30 5 2 mini, with loads, V links 8.56 0.44 11.83 0.68 9.60 0.71 8.70 0.26 11.84 0.29 9.66 0.22 6 1 standard, with loads 16.06 0.34 20.78 0.62 18.15 0.79 17.14 0.46 23.80 0.49 17.39 0.36 7 4 mini, with loads, V links 15.87 0.62 21.36 0.48 16.97 0.94 15.85 0.53 21.02 0.74 16.05 0.41 8 1 standard super-drawer 29.48 0.63 44.29 1.61 35.32 0.82 29.95 0.79 42.97 1.37 36.43 0.59 Global effects: ″Medium″ > ″Vertical″ > ″Horizontal″, but ″Medium″ is well above the other ones. - ″Pushing″ and ″Pulling″ are close altogether, but in average ″Pushing″ is 3% higher than ″Pulling″ … within a large uncertainty. 7
1 standard super-drawer Test # Drawer type Horizontal Medium Vertical 1 1 mini, no load 2.45 0.46 3.31 0.08 2.49 0.13 2.59 0.08 3.69 0.10 2.60 0.09 2 1 standard, no load 3.53 0.19 5.59 0.27 4.82 0.24 3.63 0.16 6.12 0.16 4.77 0.23 3 2 mini, V links 5.64 0.27 7.30 0.37 5.60 0.55 5.40 0.16 7.28 0.27 5.82 0.21 4 2 mini, standard links 5.75 0.37 6.68 0.29 5.82 0.37 5.49 0.25 7.04 0.26 5.60 0.30 5 2 mini, with loads, V links 8.56 0.44 11.83 0.68 9.60 0.71 8.70 0.26 11.84 0.29 9.66 0.22 6 1 standard, with loads 16.06 0.34 20.78 0.62 18.15 0.79 17.14 0.46 23.80 0.49 17.39 0.36 7 4 mini, with loads, V links 15.87 0.62 21.36 0.48 16.97 0.94 15.85 0.53 21.02 0.74 16.05 0.41 8 1 standard super-drawer 29.48 0.63 44.29 1.61 35.32 0.82 29.95 0.79 42.97 1.37 36.43 0.59 Comparisons of mechanical links The new V links are not better than the standard ones moreover: their handling is difficult R&D on new links is requested. 8
1 standard super-drawer Test # Drawer type Horizontal Medium Vertical 1 1 mini, no load 2.45 0.46 3.31 0.08 2.49 0.13 2.59 0.08 3.69 0.10 2.60 0.09 2 1 standard, no load 3.53 0.19 5.59 0.27 4.82 0.24 3.63 0.16 6.12 0.16 4.77 0.23 3 2 mini, V links 5.64 0.27 7.30 0.37 5.60 0.55 5.40 0.16 7.28 0.27 5.82 0.21 4 2 mini, standard links 5.75 0.37 6.68 0.29 5.82 0.37 5.49 0.25 7.04 0.26 5.60 0.30 5 2 mini, with loads, V links 8.56 0.44 11.83 0.68 9.60 0.71 8.70 0.26 11.84 0.29 9.66 0.22 6 1 standard, with loads 16.06 0.34 20.78 0.62 18.15 0.79 17.14 0.46 23.80 0.49 17.39 0.36 7 4 mini, with loads, V links 15.87 0.62 21.36 0.48 16.97 0.94 15.85 0.53 21.02 0.74 16.05 0.41 8 1 standard super-drawer 29.48 0.63 44.29 1.61 35.32 0.82 29.95 0.79 42.97 1.37 36.43 0.59 Comparisons of train of 2 (4) mini to 1 standard (super-drawer) 5/6 and 7/8: the efforts are divided by 2 (as expected!). There was never a ″blocking″ of mini-drawers in ″zig zag″ … as feared! We take benefit from the choice of polyethylene. 9
Comparison to calculations Not given here, but a good agreement (will be shown in a Tilecal Note). Warning: The operator must overcome the inertia when pushing and pulling, the effect being bigger in the first case The given acceleration is depending from the weight. 10
Main conclusions and next steps Thanks to the improvement of the sliding - The use of mini-drawers is possible without blocking risks. - The efforts are lowered by at least a factor 2. Comment: these models of mini-drawers were not optimized with respect to their weights Present weights without loads: 12 kg Weights of standard drawers: 15 kg possibility of saving 12- 7.5 = 4.5 kg/mini-drawer 18 kg for 4 mini-drawers 18/84 = 21% : a new decrease of about 20% of the efforts is possible if requested. The efforts are depending from the Module positions, but not very different in the insertion/extraction operations. These results are well explained by the calculations. A Tilecal note will report all the results: measures and calculations. 11
1. Study of new tools for the insertion/extraction several reasons Next actions 1. Study of new tools for the insertion/extraction several reasons - Shorten drawers bad guiding in the present situation. Mini-drawer Present tool Finger: No guiding Module - Locations of the readout and HV electronics: could be inverted. Readout in the internal radius and HV in the external radius (if kept) easier access. - The mini-drawers are electronically independent No needs of a rotating tool. 12
+ making of a test bench to simulate the manipulations New tool taking benefit of a guiding inside the Finger Only an example: The guiding would be supported by the tool. 2. Study of services: - Cables and fibers. - Cooling circuitry. + making of a test bench to simulate the manipulations Insertion/extraction, connections and tests. 13
3. Optimization of the drawer design with respect of all the constraints: - Electronics. - Services. - Mechanical links and handling facilities. R&D of about 1 year: Mechanics and electronics manpower. With planning and cost estimates for the production. 14