Time and Money Year 2 Inset 2017
What comes to mind?
Just a minute! How many heart beats in a minute, before an exercise? Think of an exercise which you can do in a minute. How many of this exercise can you do in one minute? How many heart beats in a minute, after an exercise?
Cross Curricular Activities in a Minute Music & Science – Each group of children is provided with a set of instruments. At first, a group of children will clap, then for the next 10 seconds another group will play the drums …. until a minute has passed. How many groups of sounds were heard in one minute? Maths - Give a sheet of simple addition math facts problems (for example, 4 + 3 and 6+5), how many problems can students solve in exactly one minute? Literacy - How many of their spelling words can students write/copy in one minute?
National Curriculum Framework for All 2012 Mathematics - This Learning Area will include financial literacy aspects such as mathematical and financial understanding as learning outcomes. (NCF 2012 p.26) The ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations is important for all learners. (p.53) With increased fluency in Mathematics, young people are provided with opportunities to deepen their mathematical knowledge and reasoning, to come more formally into contact with abstract and logical reasoning, and to better appreciate and apply the communication possibilities that the mathematics medium offers. This Learning Area will include financial literacy aspects such as mathematical and financial understandings in order to ensure that a culture of financial planning and preparation is instilled and nurtured during the Junior and Secondary Cycles of education. (p.53)
Core subjects linked to cross-curricular themes Figure 3: The learning areas and the cross-curricular themes in the NCF
The revised Syllabus: pg 8, 9 Children learn mathematical thinking most effectively through the application of concepts and skills in interesting and realistic contexts that are personally meaningful to them. This implies that mathematics is best taught by helping children to solve problems drawn from their own experiences. Explain material about time & money in toolbox: time journal, clockface template, days of the week wordsearch, days of the week spinner, number grid, tic tac toe grid, purse with real money coins, half hour time line, problem solving strategies.
Problem Solving Strategies
…already taking place in our schools
Time – Mathematics Revised Syllabus pg 73
Time – Mathematics Revised Syllabus pg 74
Time Time is a measure of how long something takes. Ten minutes to have lunch. Half an hour to drive to work. Many years to grow up.
Who invented the Clock?
How many units of time can you mention?
Units of time Units of time are based on the movement of Earth. A year is the time it takes the Earth to travel once around the Sun. A year = 12 months A week = 7 days Divide a day into 24 hours. Each hour contains 60 minutes.
Time in Words
Parts of the Day
12-hour clock time 12-hour clock time divides the day into two groups of 12 hours. Minutes past the hour ... is also called ... o’clock 30 half past ...
Common Mistakes when learning Time half past four Note: Children tell the time by using a clock with the hour hand missing.
Common Mistakes when learning Time Give example of laminated clock face where the children draw the minute and hour hands for e.g. 4 o’clock (mental maths activity). six o’clock Children may confuse the hour and the minute hands. Note: The word hour is shorter than the word minute. Therefore, the hour hand is short and the minute hand is long.
More Tips when learning Time Sequencing Events according to time can be confusing for some children. Useful tips: Class time table including clocks Time Journal Use of Time Line Marking the birthdays onto the calendar.
Time Journal Children can be provided with a time journal template to complete during the weekend. This activity is a cross curricular activity related to Literacy and Arts & Crafts.
Marking birthdays onto the calendar
More Tips when learning Time Some of the difficulties encountered are: Putting the days of the week and the months of the year in order. Mixing Tuesday with Thursday…. and Saturday with Sunday. Look for a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXdKqUnnhWg&list =RDmXMofxtDPUQ&index=3 Create a spinner. A mnemonic can help you to remember …
Think and Write a Mnemonic using Days of the Week Example … “Make Tuna With The Fish,” Says Sunny