State Standard 12) Develop a patient health education presentation surrounding one of the following wellness issues: optimal health, exercise and fitness, healthy eating and nutrition, sleep, stress or other mental health issues, drug/alcohol/tobacco use and abuse, body decoration, sexually transmitted infections, or cyber safety. Include signs and symptoms of the behavior and/or disease, major physical concerns associated with it, preventive measures, treatments, and support systems. Include at least three resources.
Objectives To examine the causes of and media influences on youth suicide. To analyze preventative methods for suicide. To identify strategies to cope with grief when losing someone to suicide.
Suicide Refers to the act of a person ending his or her own life Results in approximately 4,600 deaths each year in the United States Is the third leading cause of death for youths between the ages of 10 and 24 81 percent of the death were males and 19 percent were females
Attempted Suicide Is a serious problem among youths in the United States Was reported in a 2012 study 16 percent of students ages 9 to12 have seriously considered suicide 13 percent created a plan 8 percent have attempted suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey
Reasons of Suicide Among youths include: trying to escaping from a difficult situation feelings of rejection, hurt or loss worrying about disappointing family or friends
Media Influences on Suicide Include: news movies and music social media
News Reports to the public regarding suicide stories include: celebrity suicide stories youth suicide stories dramatic suicide stories
News Triggers a copycat suicide effect among readers and viewers, especially when a particular death story: was reported multiple times was placed on the front page or the beginning of a broadcast had a dramatic headline
Movies & Music Present suicide as a solution Displays violence Glamorize alcohol and drug abuse Are especially harmful among youths who: are depressed and suicidal feel alienated have substance abuse problems have difficult home lives
Social Media Provides a platform for cyberbullying cyberbullying victims are almost twice as likely to have attempted suicide than those who were not cyberbullied Can potentially be more damaging than traditional media can reach more people in different locations can reach people in a shorter period of time can reach people 24/7
Risk Factors of Suicide Include: history of previous suicide attempts family history of suicide depression or other mental illness alcohol or drug abuse serious life event or loss access to lethal methods
Warning Signs of Suicide Include: extreme personality changes loss of interest in favorite activities eating disorder sleeping disorder self-destructive behavior withdrawal from family and friends poor school performance
Preventative Methods for Suicide Should be adopted by the following parties: youths parents peers
Preventative Methods for Youths Include: being around people who are caring and positive eating healthily and exercising regularly actively participating in interested activities identifying ways to reduce stress or manage anxiety knowing how to cope with grief
If You Have Suicidal Thoughts Tell a trusted adult immediately Asking help from a therapist or counselor Join in a support network
Preventative Methods for Parents Include: keep firearms and medications away from your children get professional help from medical or metal health experts keep a close eye on your children for warning signs of suicide establish a strong relationship with your children and express your concern, support and love educate yourself about youth suicide
Preventative Methods for Peers Include: listening to your friends and show your care and concern encouraging your friends to seek professional help and offer to accompany if necessary talk to a trusted adult if you see warning signs of suicide from a friend stay close and make sure your friend is not left alone
Coping with Grief Is necessary when experiencing great sadness when losing a family member or friend to suicide Has five stages denial – refusing to accept the loss anger – blaming self or others for the situation bargaining – wishing for a second chance depression – feeling sad, helpless and discouraged acceptance – calmly facing the truth the loved one is gone
Coping with Grief Involves: talking to friends and family members talking to someone who has experienced a loss staying active looking for professional help if necessary reading about grief and methods for overcoming it taking all the time you need
Activity Complete the facts about suicide assessment. With your table partner complete the tool kit for suicide prevention activity on the class website. You will be sharing these with the class.
Acknowledgement Production Coordinators Caroline Huang-Loggains Aleesa Ross Brand Manager Megan O’Quinn Lacey Yancey Graphic Designer Melody Rowell Technical Writer Jessica Odom V.P. of Brand Management Clayton Franklin Executive Producer Gordon W. Davis, Ph.D. CEV Multimedia, Ltd. © MMXIV