Articulation Lecture 12
Function Lip (Labial) Muscles Pucker Orbicularis oris, Incisivus labii Lateralize Buccinator, Risorius Angle up (smile) Zygomatic, Levator anguli oris Upper lip Levator labii, Depressor anguli oris Lower lip Depressor labii, Mentalis, Levator anguli oris
Function Tongue (Lingual) Muscles Shorten Longitudinal (superior, inferior) Tip up/down Superior longitudinal/Inferior longitudinal Narrow/flatten Transverse/Vertical Move forward Genioglossus* Move back Genioglossus, Styloglossus*, Hyoglossus* Move up Styloglossus, Palatoglossus* Move down Genioglossus, Hyoglossus *Know what structures they connect
Function Soft Palate (Velum) Lower Tensor veli palatini*, Palatoglossus Raise Levator veli palatini*, Musculus uvulae*
Oral Cavity Lips Teeth Tongue Palate Mandible Hard Soft Zemlin, pg 227.
Mandible Only moveable bone in the face Connects to the temporal bone via temporomandibular joint (connected via temporomandibular ligament)
Mandible: Lowering Digastricus Mylohyoid &Geniohyoid Connect temporal bone (mastoid process) and mandible Mylohyoid &Geniohyoid Connect jaw and hyoid Contraction: raise hyoid, depress jaw
Mandible: Lowering Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Digastricus
Mandible: Protrusion External (Lateral) Pterygoid Connect pterygoid and jaw Contraction: protrudes jaw
Mandible: Elevation Masseter Internal (Medial) Pterygoid Temporalis Connects zygomatic arch and jaw Connects pterygoid and jaw Temporalis Connects temporal bone and jaw Also used in jaw retraction
Function Mandible (Jaw) Muscles Lower Diagastricus, Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid Raise Masseter, Temporalis, Internal pterygoid Protrude External Pterygoid Retract Temporalis
Speech Physiology
Consonants B/P T/D Bring lips together Elevate tongue tip Lower jaw Lower tongue tip Pull lower lip down
Consonants K/G Th Raise back of tongue Move tongue forward Lower back of tongue Move tongue back
Resonance Not only affected by the length of the vocal tract, but also by vocal tract shape Many vowel sounds in English Corner vowels: the most extreme differences in tongue placement
Resonance F1: pharynx F2: oral cavity Titze, I.R. (2000). Principles of Voice Production.
Nasal Sounds
Nose Mostly composed of cartilage Septum: divides the two halves of the nose internally Composed of cartilage and bone Upper third = bone Lower two-thirds = cartilage
Nasal Resonance When the soft palate is lowered (Tensor veli palatini, Palatoglossus), air enters the nose Resonance between 300-500 Hz