` School # 27 Gulchohra Shikhiyeva Grade: V2
Mövzu: Wheather in the world Standart: 1.1.1.; 2.1.1. ; 3.1.4. ; 4.1.1 Müraciətlər zamanı sadə sualları cavablandırır. Yeni söz və ifadələri düzgün istifadə edir. Mətnin məzmununa uyğun suallara cavab verir. Verilmiş sözləri məna və qrammatik cəhətdən əlaqələndirərək cümlələr qurur. Məqsəd: 1.Fəsillərlə bağlı yeni söz və ifadələri seçir. 2.Fəsillərə aid sualları cavablandırarkən yeni söz və ifadələri düzgün istifadə edir. 3.Verilmiş sözləri məna və qrammatik cəhətdə əlaqələndirərək sevdiyi fəsil haqqında cümlələr qurur.
December January February September October November June July August March April May
It's hot. hot
It's frosty. frosty
snowy It's snowy.
It's sunny. sunny
It's windy. windy
It's rainy. rainy
It's stormy. stormy
It's cloudy. cloudy
Weather in the world very ['verɪ]-çox. photo['foutou]-şəkil. sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz]-bəzən. spring [sprɪŋ]-yaz. summer ['sʌmə] -yay autumn ['ɔːtəm] – payız winter ['wɪntə] - qış
Now let`s read our text Hello, I am Mika and I live in Canada. There is a lot of snow in winter and it is very cold. Can you find my photo?
Hello. I am Judy. I live on a farm in Australia Hello. I am Judy. I live on a farm in Australia. In the summer it is very hot. Sometimes it is rains in the winter. Can you find my photo?
Hi, I`m John. I live in Ireland. It rains a lot here Hi, I`m John. I live in Ireland. It rains a lot here. It rains in winter, in spring, in summer and in autumn. It`s always green here. Can you find my photo?
Hi, I`m Marianne and I live in Florida. The weather is fine here Hi, I`m Marianne and I live in Florida. The weather is fine here. But sometimes we have strong winds. Can you find my photo?
Warm up You have 5 minutes Tell as much words connecting with the topic “weather and time” You have 5 minutes
Research questions
Which country or city would you like to live for its weather?
What kind of weather do you like most?
What kind of weather do you often meet in Azerbaijan?
Snow Put in the missing words on the topic weather and time. There is a lot of … in … and it is very cold. In … it is very … .We put on light clothes like sandals and shorts. It often … in … . The leaves turn yellow, red and brown. It is the time when everywhere is … and we enjoy different flowers There are 4 … in a year. They are: …, …, …, and … .
Sun Put in the missing words on the topic weather and time. 1. The sun has gone behind the clouds, I hope it will not rain. 2. When the sky is clear and without clouds , it's a sunny day. 3. I don't like when it is icy on the way. 4.The weather is very clear today, it's sunny. 5.Turn the TV set off, it's stormy!
Rain 1.On hot days people go to the seaside. 2.Do you like to walk in the rainy weather? 3.I like to play snowballs with my friends. 4.Please tell me about the weather in your country. 5.What is the difference between Azerbaijan and Great Britain’s
Happy New Year and World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day!!!
Groups Criteria Rain Sun Snow Can answer the questions looking at the pictures Can speak about the weather conditions in different places of the world Can choose the words and expressions in the text Can explain the research and exercises Co-operating Total Criteria
Thank you very much for your attetion