Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw byddwch chi’n gallu


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Presentation transcript:

Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw byddwch chi’n gallu Gwers 28 Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw byddwch chi’n gallu trafod y gorffennol YN GYMRAEG! By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to discuss the past YN GYMRAEG.

Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Mynd” (The Past Tense – “to go”) Adolygu Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Mynd” (The Past Tense – “to go”) Es i = I went Est ti = You went (s.) Aeth e = He went Aeth hi = She went Aeth John = John went Aethon ni = We went Aethoch chi = You went (pl.) Aethon nhw = They went

Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Cael” (The Past Tense – “to have”) Adolygu Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Cael” (The Past Tense – “to have”) Ges i = I had Gest ti = You had (s.) Gafodd e = He had Gafodd hi = She had Gafodd John = John had Gaethon ni = We had Gaethoch chi = You had (pl.) Gaethon nhw = They had

Adolygu “Mynd” (to go) Es i = I went Es i ddim = I didn’t go Est ti? = Did you go? (s) ) Do/Naddo Aethoch chi? = Did you go? (pl) ) = Yes/No “Cael” (to have) Ges i = I had Ges i ddim = I didn’t have Gest ti? = Did you have? (s) ) Do/Naddo Gaethoch chi? = Did you have? (pl) ) = Yes/No

Ble est ti dros y penwythnos? Es i i weld ffrindiau. Es i i nofio. Ble est ti dros y penwythnos? Es i mas am bryd o fwyd. Es i i gêm pêl-droed.

Beth gest ti? Ges i goffi a bisgedi i swper. Ges i dost a marmalêd i frecwast. Ges i frechdanau ham i ginio. Beth gest ti? Ges i goffi a bisgedi i swper. Ges i gyw-iâr a sglodion i ginio.

Des i mewn car. = I came in a car. Sut dest ti yma heno?/ Sut daethoch chi yma heno? = How did you come here tonight? Des i mewn car. = I came in a car.

Des i mewn tacsi. = I came in a taxi. Sut dest ti yma heno?/ Sut daethoch chi yma heno? = How did you come here tonight? Des i mewn tacsi. = I came in a taxi.

Des i ar y beic. = I came on the bike. Sut dest ti yma heno?/ Sut daethoch chi yma heno? = How did you come here tonight? Des i ar y beic. = I came on the bike.

= I didn’t come on the train. Sut dest ti yma heno?/ Sut daethoch chi yma heno? = How did you come here tonight? Ddes i ddim ar y trên. = I didn’t come on the train.

= I didn’t come on the bus. Sut dest ti yma heno?/ Sut daethoch chi yma heno? = How did you come here tonight? Ddes i ddim ar y bws. = I didn’t come on the bus.

Do/Naddo = Yes/No Naddo, des i mewn car! Ddaethoch chi mewn awyren? = Did you come in an aeroplane? Do/Naddo = Yes/No Naddo, des i mewn car!

Ddaethoch chi ar gefn tractor? Ddest ti ar gefn tractor? = Did you come on the back of a tractor? Naddo, ddes i ddim ar gefn tractor! Des i mewn car.

Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Dod” (The Past Tense – “to come”) Des i = I came Dest ti = You came (s.) Daeth e = He came Daeth hi = She came Daeth John = John came Daethon ni = We came Daethoch chi = You came (pl.) Daethon nhw = They came